53 Best Blogging Tools to Skyrocket Your Blog Growth

Are you searching for the best blogging tools for your website? Then, you landed in the right place.

As a blogger, you know that creating quality content is only part of the equation. To succeed, you must promote your blog, optimize it for search engines, and track your progress.

That’s where blogging tools come in.

There are a number of tools available to help you grow your blog, but which ones are the best?

In this article, we’ll show you some of the best blogging tools that will help skyrocket your blog growth.

Importance of Using Blogging Tools

Here are some reasons why using blogging tools is important:

  • Improved Efficiency: Blogging tools make the blogging process more efficient and less time-consuming. These tools can automate tasks such as scheduling posts, sharing content on social media, and optimizing for search engines.
  • Enhanced SEO: It can help you to optimize your content for search engines. For example, a tool like AIOSEO can help you to optimize your blog posts for important on-page SEO factors.
  • Better Content Quality: Blog tools can help you improve the quality of your content. For example, tools such as Canva can allow you to create eye-catching graphics. While tools like Google Analytics can let you track which types of content resonate with your targeted audience.
  • Increased Engagement: Blogging tools can help you in engaging with your audience more effectively. For example, tools such as Disqus can help you in managing comments and respond to readers.
  • Improved Monetization: Finally, it can allow you to monetize your blogs more effectively. For example, you can use Google AdSense to earn money by showing ads or earn through affiliate marketing promoting other products.

53 Best Blogging Tools to Grow Your Blog

Here is a list of some best blogging tools and how they will help your blog in different ways.

Best Blogging Platforms

The very first thing you need to start a blog and website is a blogging platform. So, here are some best blogging platforms with their quick overviews.

1. WordPress


WordPress is a content management system and website builder. It’s free software that allows you to create any type of website you can think of.

In 2003, it started as a blogging platform but quickly transformed into a CMS and, eventually, a full-fledged website-building platform. Today, it runs more than 43% of all websites on the internet.

Furthermore, it offers thousands of WordPress themes and plugins that you can use for your site. Or you can also purchase it from third-party websites.

However, you need a web hosting account and a domain name to start using WordPress.

We recommend using Bluehost. It was one of the largest hosting providers in the world and was officially recommended by WordPress itself.

Must Read: Some Best Free WordPress Themes and Free WordPress Plugins.

2. Wix

Wix.com: Website Builder

Wix is a cloud-based website builder that allows you to create and design websites without knowing how to code. It offers a drag-and-drop interface, which means you can simply select elements they want to include on their website and place them on the page.

Furthermore, Wix offers a variety of templates and themes to choose from, which can be customized to match your brand or design preferences.

Additionally, it offers a range of features such as e-commerce, SEO tools, and analytics, making it a complete solution for creating and managing websites.

3. Squarespace


Squarespace is a well-known all-in-one website-building tool that makes it simple to create stunning websites from scratch using a simple drag-and-drop editor.

It’s perfect for new bloggers who want to grow their online visibility, as it’s simple and easy to learn.

Furthermore, Squarespace offers professionally designed website templates, which can be customized to your brand or design preferences.

Once you’ve started writing content, you can use Squarespace’s integrated suite of powerful marketing tools to promote your blog posts and measure your blog traffic using comprehensive in-built analytics.

Unlike WordPress.org, Squarespace handles the hosting side of things for you.

Best Web Hosting Sites

The next important thing you will need along with your blogging platform is web hosting. So, here are some of the best hosting providers with their quick overviews.

4. Bluehost


Bluehost is a widely known web hosting provider, offering its services to different users with different websites and goals.

For example, if you’re a beginner with a limited budget, you may get a Bluehost plan for as little as $2.95 per month. If you need more, you may quickly switch to a higher-tier plan.

On the other hand, if you’re an advanced user or have a site that gets a lot of traffic, you can get VPS hosting or a dedicated server (of course, these are more expensive).

Bluehost also offers user-friendly tools for installing website software. This is highly valuable if you want to create a WordPress site.

Lastly, Bluehost also offers a free domain name for one year.

5. Hostinger


Hostinger has become the most affordable option among the top web hosting providers.

It offers a wide range of hosting services, including shared hosting, cloud hosting, WordPress hosting, VPS (Linux) hosting, and even Minecraft server hosting.

That’s not all. Hostinger is also an excellent place to start if you’re not sure how to create your site and need general help. For example, it offers a free website builder with all hosting plans. This allows you to build your website from scratch without ever leaving Hostinger.

6. SiteGround


SiteGround is a reliable hosting provider for small to medium-sized blogs with up to 100,000 monthly visits. It will backup your blog daily, ensuring that you never lose your content.

In addition, SiteGround offers managed WordPress hosting. This means that the provider will take care of automated WordPress and plugin updates, caching, and security measures for you, ensuring that your site operates properly at all times.

Must Read: Best Cheap WordPress Hosting.

Blogging Tools For Brainstorm Blogging Ideas

Brainstorming blogging ideas is an essential part of the blogging process, and there are several blogging tools that can help with this task. Here are some best ones:

7. Google Trends

Google Trends is a useful blogging tool for gaining insights into what topics and keywords are currently popular and in demand. This way, you can create content that is relevant to your target audience.

For example, if you write about WordPress, you could use Google Trends to identify popular search terms related to WordPress, such as “WordPress plugins” or “WordPress themes”. By using these popular keywords and topics in your blog posts, you can increase your chances of reaching a larger audience and driving more traffic to your website.

Google Trends Results for Search Term WordPress Plugins

8. Quora

Quora isn’t only a place to interact with and establish an online community; it’s also a terrific way to get blog ideas.

Quora is a crowdsourced Q&A website where you may post questions and get answers from anybody. Scanning this site will provide the most commonly asked questions by real individuals. This might be a valuable addition to your keyword research.

Quora Questions Related to SEO Tools

Further, you can also write answers to questions and provide a link to your blog. In this manner, you get more traffic to your site from Quora and acquire links and a reputation.

9. BuzzSumo

BuzzSumo - Blogging Tools For Brainstorm Blogging Ideas

Creating engaging content is essential to build a loyal readership for your blogs. However, it can be difficult to learn which type of content goes viral or which goes unnoticed.

This is where a blogging tool like Buzzsumo comes in helpful. It helps you to find the most popular content in your industry.

By identifying the top-performing content in your industry, you can quickly figure out which type of content your target audience wants and start creating similar content to increase your readership.

Simply enter a keyword or domain to discover the most popular content in your industry. Then, figure out which content gets the most social shares and backlinks to come up with good topic ideas.

Best Blogging Tools For Keyword Research

Keyword research is essential for growing traffic to your site. It allows you to write the perfect content to increase your organic search traffic.

Here are some of the best keyword research tools to grow your blog traffic:

10. Semrush

Semrush - Best SEO Tool

Semrush is an all-in-one SEO tool package that can help you do keyword research and boost your SEO ranks.

You may use the Keyword Overview tool to enter a keyword and get a comprehensive view of all you need to know. This covers how many people search for the term monthly (the monthly search volume), if it is getting more popular or less popular (the Trend), and much more.

SEMrush Keyword Overview for Content Marketing

You can also get a useful list of additional similar keywords you might want to use and a list of organic search results to check where your rivals rank for the keyword. Additionally, you may look at Google Ads that use that keyword for PPC advertising.

You may also enter any competitor’s website in the Domain Overview to examine their organic search keywords, keyword statistics, and other organic traffic metrics.

When you click on the Organic Research tab, you’ll find relevant keywords, your competitors’ search engine ranking positions (SERPS), traffic value (CPC), and more.

Overall, SEMrush is the #1 keyword research tool.

11. Ahrefs

Ahrefs is another prominent keyword research tool that has functionality similar to SEMrush. Using Ahrefs keyword explorer, you can find keyword ideas just by typing a keyword into the search box. You will then get a long list of keyword ideas.

Ahrefs Keyword Explorer

You may also use Ahrefs to check which keywords your rivals are ranking for, so you can generate fresh content based on those keywords.

12. Google Keyword Planner

Google Keyword Planner is a free keyword research tool that allows you to research keywords and identify potential opportunities for your blog. The tool is designed primarily for use in Google Ads but can also be used for keyword research for organic search.

With Google Keyword Planner, you can enter keywords related to your niche or industry and get suggestions for other relevant keywords. The tool provides data on search volume, competition, and estimated cost-per-click (CPC) for each keyword.

Google Keyword Planner

Furthermore, you can also filter results by area, language, and other factors, allowing you to tailor your research to certain geographic regions or demographics.

Blog Post Title Tool

The blog post title is the first thing that potential readers see when browsing through search results or social media feeds. It is the primary factor that determines whether someone will click and read your blog post or not. A well-written and compelling title can grab your reader’s attention and encourage them to click on your post.

Here are some of the best tools that can help you generate catchy and effective blog post titles:

13. HubSpot Blog Ideas Generator

The HubSpot Blog Ideas Generator is a popular tool for headline generation.

It is praised for coming up with creative ideas and headlines that stand out. By entering a noun or keyword, the generator will give you free headlines and even more with a paid subscription.

HubSpot Blog Ideas Generator

14. SEOPressor Blog Title Generator

The SEOPressor is a simple generator that generates a range of attractive headlines.

To use it, just enter your target keyword and then select the type of phrase. The tool will then generate several headlines.

SEOPressor Blog Title Generator

15. Portent Idea Generator

This powerful tool provides endless titles for YouTube videos, articles, podcast episodes, and more.

Simply input your keywords into the generator, and it’ll instantly create some unique title ideas.

Portent Idea Generator

Moreover, once Portent’s tool generates its results, you can save the one you like and retrieve it at the end of your session.

The tool even lets you share your saved ideas via social media (specifically Twitter).

Best Blogging Tools for Content Writing

The written content is the biggest draw that keeps readers returning to your blog.

Unfortunately, it’s also what takes the most time.

If you’re constantly writing blog posts for daily updates, you won’t have time to manage any other aspect of your site.

Using one of these blogging tools to generate content will save you a lot of time without impacting the quality of the writing.

16. Jasper

Jasper - AI Writer Tool

Jasper (formerly Jarvis.AI) is the most popular AI writing tool, which uses artificial intelligence to help you generate highly engaging content for your website and social media.

It comes with over 50+ automated copywriting tools and templates that help you create the content you need on a daily basis.

Simply choose the template from many available options, fill in custom information, and then let Jasper get to work.

17. Writesonic

Writesonic - Best Blogging Tools for Content Writing

Writesonic is yet another excellent AI writing generator that can generate content in over 25 different languages, including spanish, english, and french.

It offers dozens of use cases for articles and blogs, ads and marketing, eCommerce, social media, website copy, and more.

18. Rytr

Rytr - Best AI Writer, Content Generator & Writing Assistant

Writer’s block is the most common problem that most writers have, and overcoming it can be challenging, but with Rytr, you can generate content in a matter of seconds. With this writing assistance, you may create original content for your blog post and publish it on your website as soon as possible.

You can save a lot of time and generate content that converts leads. Plus, you can also select the tone of an article before creating it. Enter the term for which you want your content and the type of content, then sit back and relax while Rytr does its magic.

Must Read: Best AI Content Writing Tools.

Blog Proofreading Tools

Blogging is primarily about producing error-free content. Google rewards sites that constantly update their pages with high-quality material.

If you’re not getting top results for most of the keywords you’re trying, you might be writing content with grammatical errors. So detecting errors and generating error-free content on your blogs or websites is important if you want to increase search engine traffic.

19. Grammarly

Grammarly is the most accurate grammar correction tool on the market. This tool not only helps you in finding your grammatical errors, but it also offers appropriate explanations for each inaccuracy. This is a major benefit for people whose first language is not English.

Grammarly - Best Blogging Tools for Bloggers

Furthermore, it has an in-built plagiarism checker that will help you find duplicate content in a document. Plus, it also monitors the word count and provides detailed information about the text you are working on. Read out our complete Grammarly review.

Overall, it is one of the best blogging tools for bloggers.

20. Hemingway

The Hemingway app is one of the most popular online proofreading tools for writing without distractions. It offers an easy-to-use editing tool to help you enhance your writing.

Furthermore, it uses a color-coded system to highlight potential issues in your writing. Yellow highlights indicate sentences that are hard to read, while red highlights indicate sentences that are very hard to read. Blue highlights indicate instances of passive voice, and green highlights indicate the use of adverbs, which can be a sign of weak writing.

Hemingway - Best Online Proofreading Tool

In addition to highlighting potential issues, the Hemingway app also provides suggestions for how to improve your writing. For example, it may suggest splitting a long sentence into two or shorter sentences or replacing a complex word with a simpler one.

Overall, the Hemingway app can be a useful tool for bloggers who want to improve the clarity and conciseness of their writing.

21. ProWritingAid

ProWritingAid uses various checks to analyze your writing, including grammar and spelling checks, contextual thesaurus suggestions, and overused word checks. It also includes features to check for consistency in style and tone and to highlight areas where your writing may be too wordy or repetitive.

ProWritingAid: Free Blogging Tools for Bloggers

One unique feature of ProWritingAid is its ability to analyze your writing for specific types of errors, such as using too many adverbs, passive voice, or clichés. This can be useful for bloggers who are trying to improve their writing in specific areas.

ProWritingAid is available as both a web-based tool and a desktop application. Plus, it integrates with different writing software, including Microsoft Word, Google Docs, etc.

Tools For On-page SEO

On-page SEO is the process of optimizing web pages to improve their ranking in search engines and attract more organic traffic. This can include things like optimizing title tags and meta descriptions, using keywords effectively in the body text, and creating a clear and user-friendly website structure.

Check out our ultimate on-page SEO checklist.

22. Yoast SEO

Yoast is one of the best SEO plugins used by millions of businesses to optimize on-page SEO. The tool works directly via a simple plugin in the WordPress interface. It allows you to optimize your sites through meta tags, canonical URLs, 301 redirects, keyword density, and more.

Furthermore, it has a title and meta description templating and the option to preview what your listings will look like on Google search results so that you can see exactly how your site is being represented. We’ve used Yoast for your WordPress sites for years. For the price, it’s one of the best on-page SEO tools out there.

Yoast SEO Analysis

23. GrowthBar

GrowthBar is an AI writing and optimization tool. It allows you to create long-form content from scratch using AI or optimize your existing blog posts for on-page best practices.

GrowthBar - AI Writing Tool for Bloggers

If you’re producing a lot of content that needs to be optimized for Google, look no further.

24. Surfer SEO

Surfer SEO allows you to optimize your website content for search engines. It is an AI-powered tool that analyzes a website’s various on-page and off-page factors and provides actionable insights to improve its search engine ranking.

Surfer SEO analyzes the top-ranking pages for a particular keyword and provides recommendations for content optimization based on the data collected. It provides a wide range of metrics and suggestions, including keyword density, word count, content structure, internal linking, and much more.

Surfer SEO

The tool also includes features such as keyword research, competitor analysis, and SERP analysis, making it the best blogging tool for a blogger. Additionally, Surfer SEO offers a content editor that helps you create optimized content by highlighting the necessary changes to improve the content’s ranking potential.

Tools For Off-Page SEO

Off-page SEO is a critical aspect of any SEO strategy, and it involves building high-quality backlinks from other websites to improve your website’s search engine rankings.

Here are some of the best off-page SEO tools to help you optimize your website’s backlink profile and improve your search engine rankings.

25. Majestic

Majestic is a backlink analysis tool that offers detailed information on the quality and quantity of backlinks and the anchor text used to link to your website. It offers many features for analyzing your website’s backlink profile and those of your competitors and identifying potential link-building opportunities.


26. BuzzStream


BuzzStream is a tool that helps with outreach and relationship-building for link-building purposes. It includes features for finding and contacting potential link-building prospects and tracking the progress of outreach campaigns. BuzzStream offers a “Discovery” feature that allows you to find potential link-building opportunities based on keywords or content topics.

27. Check My Links

Check My Links is a Chrome extension used to check broken links on a webpage. You can use this extension to identify broken links on other websites related to your niche and then reach out to the website owner and offer to provide a replacement link to your website. This is commonly known as broken link building.

In this way, you can build backlinks to your website while also helping website owners fix broken links on their websites.

Check My Links

Must Read: Best Chrome Extension for SEO.

Blog Tools For Technical SEO

Technical SEO tools are specifically designed to help you audit your website for technical errors and issues. Fixing these issues helps you improve your site’s performance.

Here are some of the best tools for technical SEO:

28. Screaming Frog

Screaming Frog SEO Spider

Screaming Frog is a great tool for analyzing your website’s performance and identifying technical tweaks that you can make to improve your search engine rankings.

Some of the elements it can identify are:

  • Missing page titles, meta descriptions, and meta keywords
  • Images with big file sizes
  • Errors in response codes, URLs, and canonicals
  • Pagination issues
  • International SEO diagnosis

29. Google Search Console

Google Search Console is a free Google SEO tool that provides information about how your website performs in search results. It provides valuable data about your website’s technical health and can help you identify and fix errors that might be negatively impacting your website’s performance.

Google Search Console Error Details

Furthermore, it also allows you to submit your sitemap, which can help Google index your website more quickly and efficiently.

30. Google Structured Data Testing Tool

With Google Structured Data Testing Tool, you can identify errors in your site’s structured data markup.

Google Structured Data Testing Tool Results for Pickup WP

It helps you ensure that your website’s structured data markup is accurate and error-free, which in turn, can improve your website’s search rankings.

Blog Tools for Social Monitoring

Here are some of the best ones:

31. Buffer

Buffer: Best Blogging Tools for Social Monitoring

A Buffer is a tool that is both a social media dashboard and a visual creation tool.

It helps you save a lot of time when scheduling your posts. You can schedule your new blog to go to your social media channels multiple times with different images and headlines for every update.

With Buffer, as a blogger, you can easily line up your thumb-stopping content across social media channels, and with a single click, you can share content and schedule posts via Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram.

Additionally, Buffer has a free image creation tool called Pablo to help you create social media images for different platforms.

32. Hootsuite

Hootsuite: Social Media Marketing and Management Tool

Hootsuite is a social media management tool that lets you manage and track your social media activity across numerous platforms. It supports over 35 social networks, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Pinterest.

It also provides features for team collaboration, allowing multiple team members to manage social media accounts and collaborate on social media campaigns.

Blogging Tools For Email Marketing

Email is the best way to stay in touch with your website visitors so they become loyal fans.

But to use email marketing the right way, you need to use the best email marketing service that’s right for your blog.

33. ConverKit

ConvertKit: Email Marketing Platform for Bloggers

ConvertKit is an email marketing service for bloggers.

You can easily automate your marketing campaign using their drag-and-drop interface. For example, you can automatically add a new subscriber to a particular list and send targeted content to them.

ConvertKit integrates with over 70 popular services, including Zapier, Stripe, MemberPress, and OptinMonster. You may also utilize their signup forms and landing pages to expand your email list.

One of the most useful features of ConvertKit is the ability to organize your subscribers using tags. You may categorize them depending on their interests, activities, and much more.

34. AWeber

AWeber - Email Marketing Tool for Bloggers

AWeber is one of the oldest email marketing companies.

It has a drag-and-drop builder for easily creating professional-looking emails. If you don’t want to build them from scratch, you may use any of the 700+ responsive email templates available.

Using AWeber’s RSS to Email function, you may make email newsletters based on your most recent blog entries. It also has features like email split testing, subscriber management, responsive registration forms, email tracking, and more.

Must Read: Free Email Marketing Services.

Best Blogging Tools for Creating Visuals

Visuals play a crucial role in blogging as they can help capture the reader’s attention and make the content more engaging. Here are some of the best blogging tools for creating visuals:

35. PicMonkey

PicMonkey: Photo Editor and Graphic Design Tool for Blogger

PicMonkey is an online photo editing and graphic design tool that allows you to edit, touch up, and design photos and graphics easily. With PicMonkey, you can create stunning visuals for your blog, social media, or other projects.

PicMonkey also offers a range of design templates for social media posts, ads, and other marketing materials, making it easy to create professional-looking graphics quickly.

36. Canva

Canva: Free Design Tool for Blogger

Canva is a free online graphics designing and publishing tool that creates beautiful visual content with beginner-friendly options. You can create visuals for a blog, social media, eBook, paid marketing campaigns, and more.

It is a useful graphic design tool for beginners to create blog banners and social media posts for different platforms. You can use the free version of Canva to create beautiful visual content for your blog and social media posts.

Website Speed Optimization Tools

Website speed is a vital factor in providing a good user experience and improving search engine rankings. Here are some website speed optimization tools that can help you improve your website’s loading time:

37. Google PageSpeed Insights

Google PageSpeed Insights is a free tool provided by Google that allows you to analyze your website’s loading speed and provides suggestions for improvement. The tool provides a score based on your website’s performance on both desktop and mobile devices, ranging from 0 to 100.

Google PageSpeed Insights Result for Pickup WP

It also provides a detailed report that highlights the areas that need improvement, such as image optimization, CSS and JavaScript optimization, and server response time.

38. GTmetrix

GTmetrix is a website speed analysis tool that you can use to see the performance of your website and suggestions on how to improve it.

It offers a report on the page’s performance, such as the time it takes to load, the size of the page, and the number of requests made. Plus, it also offers suggestions for optimization, such as reducing image sizes and minifying code.

GTmetrix Reports for Pickup WP

Blogging Tools to Organize Your Content

The following blogging tools will help you streamline your content creation process.

39. Trello

Trello: Best Blogging Tools to Organize Your Content

Trello is a popular project management tool that helps you to create boards, lists, and cards to organize your work and collaborate with others. It’s a great tool for bloggers to organize their content and keep track of their progress.

With Trello, you can create a board for your blog and then create lists for different stages of the content creation process, such as “Ideas”, “In progress”, and “Published”. You can then create cards for each blog post and move them through the lists as you work on them.

Trello also allows you to add due dates, labels, attachments, and comments to cards, which can help you stay organized and communicate with your team or collaborators.

40. Evernote


Evernote is a remarkable tool for organizing your blog-related content and tasks. It’s accessible from any computer, tablet, or mobile device – perfect for bloggers who are always on the go!

With Evernote, you can easily create tasks, assign them to team members, set due dates, and track progress. You can also organize your content using tags and search through all of your notes, including text within images.

Evernote is ideal for both beginner and experienced bloggers with its range of features, like creating to-do lists, setting reminders, and tracking site performance.

41. CoSchedule

CoSchedule: Blogging Tool for Organize All Your Content in One Place

CoSchedule is an all-in-one blogging tool that allows you to optimize your social media, plan your blog posts, and track your SEO progress.

With CoSchedule, you can quickly and easily see how well your content is performing on social media and make adjustments accordingly.

You can also create an editorial calendar to organize and plan future blog posts so that you never miss a beat.

Plus, CoSchedule makes it easy to track your SEO progress over time so that you can always be sure that your content is as visible as possible.

If you’re a blogger who wants to be more time-saving and efficient, this is the platform for you.

Monetization and Advertising Tools

Do you want to make money blogging? Check the following blog monetization tools to make money with your content:

42. Google AdSense

Google AdSense is a popular ad program run by Google that allows you to monetize your content by displaying targeted ads on your website. Advertisers pay Google to show their ads, and you earn a share of that revenue when users click on or view those ads.

To use Google AdSense, you first need to create an AdSense account and submit your website for review. Once approved, you can generate an ad code and place it on your website. Google then uses contextual targeting to display relevant ads on the website.

Google AdSense

Further, AdSense offers a number of ad formats, including display ads, text ads, and link units. You can customize the size and placement of the ads to fit your website design and layout.

AdSense also provides detailed performance reports that allow you to track your ad revenue, impressions, clicks, and other metrics.

Google AdSense Performance Report

Must Read: How to Get Google AdSense Approval for Your Blog.

43. Media.net

Media.net - Best Google AdSense Alternative for Blogger

Media.net is a contextual advertising platform that allows you to monetize your content by displaying targeted ads on your website. It is one of the largest ad tech companies in the world and is the best alternative to Google AdSense.

Like AdSense, Media.net uses contextual targeting to display relevant ads on a website. Media.net analyzes the content of a website and serves ads that are related to that content. This can lead to higher click-through rates and better user engagement.

One advantage of Media.net is that it allows website owners to run ads alongside AdSense ads. This means that website owners can diversify their ad revenue and increase their overall earnings.

44. AdThrive

AdThrive - AdSense Alternative for Large Blog

AdThrive is a premium ad management service that helps you optimize your ad revenue and user experience. It offers a full-service solution, including ad optimization, placement, and analytics reporting.

To use AdThrive, you must apply for membership and have a minimum of 100,000 monthly pageviews. Once approved, AdThrive handles all aspects of ad management, including ad optimization and placement.

Further, AdThrive uses real-time bidding (RTB) technology to ensure that you get the highest possible revenue for your ad inventory.

One advantage of using AdThrive is that it offers a high level of customer support. You have access to a dedicated account manager who can help you optimize your ad revenue and answer any questions you may have.

Best Affiliate Marketing Platforms

When it comes to monetizing your blog, affiliate marketing is one of the best ways to turn your traffic into cash.

Here are some of the best affiliate marketing platforms to promote other products and earn in dollars:

45. ShareASale

ShareASale is one of the best affiliate networks available.

It offers affiliate programs for over 25,000 merchants of different sizes.

You can sign up for all of these merchants, generate links, and monitor your statistics from a single place: the ShareASale dashboard.

ShareASale: Affiliate Marketing Platform

Overall, ShareASale is a good option for both digital and physical products.

For example, on the digital side, there are several WordPress theme and plugin companies, hosting companies, and so on.

On the physical side, there are both large and small merchants—for example, Sun Basket, Wayfair, Reebok, and thousands of other small and large businesses.

Basically, no matter what your blog niche is, you may surely discover some offers worth advertising.

46. CJ Affiliate

CJ Affiliate

CJ, formerly known as Commission Junction, is another affiliate platform that brings together thousands of different merchants under one roof (similar to ShareASale).

You will apply to these merchants on an individual basis via the CJ dashboard, which is similar to ShareASale. After that, you’ll be able to generate links and look at statistics.

47. Amazon Associates

Amazon Associates

If you want to promote physical products on your website, Amazon Associates is a good option.

Amazon Associates allows you to earn a commission on almost everything sold on Amazon.com.

What makes this program even more lucrative is that you get a commission on every new product purchased by someone you suggest, even if it is not the product you linked to.

Previously, Amazon Associates gave you a commission rate depending on the amount of revenue/sales you generated. But as of 2017, Amazon has switched to a flat-rate commission structure, in which you get paid a certain amount based on each product’s category.

Bonus: More Useful Blogging Tools

Here are some more useful blogging tools to help you get the most out of your blogging. Check out the following tools to help you establish and grow your blog:

48. Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a web analytics tool by Google that tracks and reports website traffic. It offers insights into how your website is being used, including information on the number of visitors, the pages they visit, how long they stay on the site, and their location.

Google Analytics - Best Free Blogging Tool for Blogger

Google Analytics uses a small piece of code, called a tracking code, that is added to the website to collect data. This data is then sent to Google’s servers, where it is analyzed and presented in a variety of reports and dashboards.

Overall, it is one of the best free blogging tools for bloggers.

Must Read: How to Add Google Analytics to Your Site.

49. Hunter

Hunter is an email finder tool with a database of over 200 million email addresses, which you can use to find email addresses for a given domain or company.

Hunter - Best Email Finder Tool

In addition to finding email addresses, Hunter can also verify email addresses to ensure that they are valid and active. This is useful for email outreach campaigns, as it can help users avoid sending emails to invalid or inactive email addresses.

50. OptinMonster

OptinMonster - Best WordPress Lead Generation Plugin

OptinMonster is a lead generation and conversion optimization tool that helps you increase your website traffic, email list, and sales.

It offers several customizable opt-in forms and pop-ups that you can use to capture leads and grow your email list. These forms can be triggered by user behavior, such as time spent on a page or scrolling behavior, and can be targeted to specific segments of website visitors based on factors such as location or referral source.

In addition to lead generation, OptinMonster offers tools for conversion optimization, such as A/B testing and analytics. You can test different versions of your forms and pop-ups to see which ones perform best and use analytics to track key metrics such as conversion rates and engagement.

Check out our in-depth OptinMonster review.

51. Click to Tweet

Click to Tweet

Click to Tweet is a free blogging tool that allows you to create tweetable links that you can add to your website, blog, or email.

The tool offers a simple interface where you can enter your tweet text and generate a clickable link that will automatically create a tweet with your text when clicked. You can also customize the link text and add a Twitter handle or hashtag to the tweet.

52. Teachable

Teachable Online Course Platform

Teachable is the perfect solution for you if you want to create and sell an online course. With its simple yet powerful interface, Teachable makes it easy to get started.

Teachable provides an easy-to-use course creation platform that allows you to create multimedia-rich courses using video, audio, text, and other content types. You can also add quizzes, assignments, and certificates to your courses to help students track their progress and stay engaged.

Once courses are created, you can set your own prices and sell your courses directly through Teachable’s integrated payment system. Teachable handles all the technical aspects of course delivery and payment processing, making it easy for you to focus on creating great courses.

53. ShortPixel

ShortPixel - Best Image Optimization Tool

ShortPixel is a great tool for blogging as it helps you optimize your blog images, making them faster and more efficient for your readers. The tool also integrates seamlessly with popular blogging platforms such as WordPress, making it easy to use and accessible to bloggers of all levels of experience.

Overall, if you are looking for an image optimization tool to enhance your blog’s performance and user experience, ShortPixel is definitely worth considering.

The Blogging Tools We Use at Pickup WP

At Pickup WP, we use a plethora of tools to ensure our blogging efforts are optimized, and our blog performance is improved.

Let’s take a look at the blogging tools we use.

  • Quora to come up with brainstorming blogging ideas and increase blog traffic
  • Semrush and Google Keyword Planner to do keyword research
  • Yoast SEO plugin for optimizing blog posts
  • Grammarly to check grammatical errors and plagiarism
  • Google Analytics to monitor page views and other traffic sources
  • Google Search Console to see technical errors and issues
  • ShareASale to promote affiliate marketing product
  • Google AdSense to earn money from our blog

Wrapping Up

We have shown you the list of 53 best blogging tools to grow your blog. It’s time for you to get started.

We have personally tried and tested these blogging tools and currently use most of them.

So, you can select any of the top blogging tools from each category and start using them for your blog growth.

Keep in mind that most of the blogging tools listed above are either free or available at a small price. So don’t hesitate to give them a try.

We hope this article helps you find the best blogging tools for your blog.

For more, you can check out these other useful resources:

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