How to Use Pinterest for Blogging [Ultimate Guide]

Wondering how to use Pinterest for blogging?

According to Statista, Pinterest has over 463 million monthly active users.

The best part? It is a fast-growing social media platform, and its user base increased by 7% year over year.

When used correctly, Pinterest can send a lot of traffic to your blog or website. If you are looking for a free guide on using Pinterest for blogs, you’ve come to the right place.

In this article, we’ll discuss what Pinterest is, the benefits of using Pinterest for your blog, and lastly, how to use Pinterest for blogging to increase traffic.

Let’s get started!

What is Pinterest?

Pinterest is a visual discovery platform where users can find and save ideas for various interests, such as recipes, home decor, fashion, and more. Users can create and organize boards by saving Pins that inspire them, making it easy to revisit and share their favorite ideas.

What Are the Benefits of Using Pinterest for Blogging?

Pinterest is an excellent platform for bloggers to drive traffic to their blogs. Here are some of the benefits of using Pinterest for blogging:

  • Drives Website Traffic: Pinterest is a visual search engine, so people are actively looking for inspiration and ideas when they’re on the platform. This means that your Pins have a good chance of being seen by people who are interested in the same topics as you.
  • Increases Brand Awareness: Pinterest is a great way to build brand awareness for your blog. When people see your Pins, they’ll be exposed to your brand and your content. This can help you attract new readers and subscribers.
  • Build a Community: Pinterest is a great way to build a community around your blog. You can follow other bloggers in your niche and interact with them on their pins. This can help you to connect with other bloggers and their followers, which can lead to increased traffic to your own blog.
  • Long-Term Traffic Source: Pins can continue to be seen and clicked on for months or even years after they are created.
  • Profit: According to some reports, 83% of users have purchased from content they’ve seen on Pinterest. As a result, you can use Pinterest to promote your products or services and make money on Pinterest.

With that said, let’s look at how to use Pinterest for Blogging in 2024.

How to Use Pinterest for Blogging

Using Pinterest is not difficult. The platform has a short learning curve, and once you’re up and running, setting up and managing your profile is simple.

Here’s a brief rundown on how to get started on Pinterest as a blogger.

1. Create Pinterest Boards

You can create Pinterest boards for your blog posts.

Unlike Instagram or Facebook images, you can effortlessly organize all of your pins (images) on boards.

In simple words, a Pinterest board is a collection of images where you can save specific pins. Each Pinterest board has its own “specific theme” or “topic.”

For example, if you have a blog covering “WordPress” topics, you can create individual boards for each category, such as;

In short, your Pinterest profile should have many boards covering each topic or theme (that you cover on your blog).

How to Create a Pinterest Board

To create a board, simply log into your Pinterest account. Following that, click your Profile picture in the upper-right corner of your page to open your profile.

Open Pinterest Profile

Now, scroll down and click on the Saved button, then click on + (plus) on the right side of your screen, and select board.

Create Boards Option

Once click, a new popup appears and asks you to enter your board name.

You can name the board based on the pins you want to create. Additionally, you have the option to keep the board’s secret. As a result, only you and your collaborators can see it.

Create Pinterest Boards

That’s it! You can successfully create a Pinterest board.

Note: It’s a best practice to keep your board name simple and include specific keywords related to your niche. That way, when new users search for ideas, your board may appear for those topics (or keywords).

2. Create Eye-Catching Pins

If you use Pinterest for blogging, you must create eye-catching pins.

Simply, Pinterest pins are “visual bookmarks” that users use to save content they like. These pins might be image or video pins. You should try both types of pins to find out which ones work best for your audience.

How to Create Pinterest Pins

To create pins, click on the Create button from the top left menu and click on Create Pin.

Create Pin Option

On the next screen, you will see two options for creating a pin. You can choose between selecting a file from your computer or creating pins from a website link instead. You can choose any one of them you like. However, for this article, we will use choose a file option.

Select Option for Create Pinterest Pin

Once you select your image, you’ll be redirected to a “Pin builder” page, which looks like this:

Pin Builder

Here, you can do the following things:

  • You can add or edit your Pin images or videos.
  • Add a title and description to your Pin.
  • Use hashtags in your Pin description.
  • Add a link to your Pin that will take people to your website or blog post.
  • Select or create a board for your Pin.
  • Add tags to your Pin.
  • Select a later publish date for your Pin.
  • Allow people to comment on your Pin.

Once you’re done with your Pin, click on the Publish button to publish your Pin.

3. Write Engaging Content for Your Pins

Here’s how to increase the number of views on your pins: Use relevant keywords.

Make sure to conduct a quick keyword search for your pins. You can also use keyword research tools like Semrush to find keywords.

When creating pins, use relevant keywords in the title and description.

Here’s an example of a description and title we wrote for one of our pins:

How to Write Engaging Pin Title and Description

As you can see, the description is engaging, and we also included a few related hashtags to reach a new audience with our content.

Furthermore, if you’re new to writing, you can use AI content writing tools. These tools are great and can help you write descriptions and titles for your Pins (automatically).

4. Promote Your Pinterest Boards

Promotion is the key to increasing the number of views and likes on your pins.

However, most people overlook the promotion part totally since they just spend more time creating pins.

When you create a new pin, make sure to promote it online. This helps you connect with a larger audience and gain more followers.

Further, you can share Pinterest Pins on your blog and other social media platforms.

Here are some practical methods for promoting your Pinterest account.

  • Link Pinterest Account to Your Website: You can add a website’s URL to your Pinterest bio. You can also show the Pinterest feed from your website to bring visitors to your profile.
  • Use Email List: If you have an email list, you can design a unique email to promote your Pinterest account. Or check out these free email marketing services to build an email list.
  • Use Hashtags: You can quickly add relevant hashtags for Pins in the description by entering “#” followed by a term or phrase. You can include up to 20 hashtags in each pin description.
  • Share Pin at the Right Time: According to HubSpot, the best time to post on Pinterest is between 3 PM to 6 PM. The best day to post on Pinterest is Friday, while the worst day is Sunday.
  • Add a Pinterest Follow Button: Embed a Pinterest follow button on your blog. This allows visitors to easily follow your Pinterest account with a single click.
  • Run Pinterest Ads: Pinterest ads can be an outstanding way to reach a larger audience and promote your Pins. You can target the ads to specific demographics, interests, and even keywords.

5. Use Pinterest Analytics

Want to improve your Pin’s performance, traffic, revenue, and conversions? Then you should learn how to use Pinterest analytics like an expert.

The best part? It’s completely free to use.

To get started, click on the Analytics section from your Pinterest account and then click on Overview.

Pinterest Analytics Option

From here, you can see all of your vital Pin analytics. You can even filter the audience data by content category, device, age, gender, and so on.

Pin Overview

Here are some things you should know to better understand your Analytics:

  • Impressions (the number of times your pins were seen by your audience)
  • Engagements (the number of engagements on your pins, including clicks and saves)
  • Outbound click (the number of clicks to the destination URL associated with your pins)
  • Saves (the number of times your Pins were saved)
  • Total audience (the total number of users who have seen or engaged with your pins)
  • Engaged audience (the number of users who’ve engaged with your pins)

The goal here is to select a metric (such as clicks) and find all of the pins with the highest user engagement.

Analyze those pins separately to see why they outperform other pins.

That way, you may design similar types of pins and pin descriptions to get the most out of your pins.

Overall, Pinterest Analytics can help you find how well your Pins are working and learn what types of content work best for your audience.

6. Be consistent

Being consistent is one of the KEY secrets to Pinterest’s success.

Most bloggers create a couple of pins and stop pinning when they don’t see good results in terms of traffic.

Here are some tips to be consistent on Pinterest.

  • Create a Pinning Schedule: Establish a pinning schedule that works for you and your audience. Determine how often you want to pin and on which days of the week. Consistency is more important than pinning in large bursts, so aim for a steady flow of pins over time.
  • Use Scheduling Tools: Utilize Pinterest-approved scheduling tools like Tailwind or Buffer to automate your pinning process. These tools allow you to schedule pins in advance, ensuring a consistent presence on Pinterest even when you’re busy or away. Schedule your pins strategically, targeting peak activity times when your audience is most likely to be active on the platform.
  • Curate Quality Content: Consistency doesn’t mean sacrificing quality. Focus on curating high-quality and relevant content that aligns with your niche or target audience’s interests. Select visually appealing images or graphics and write compelling descriptions for each Pin.
  • Repin Relevant Content: Alongside pinning your own content, engage with others by repinning relevant and inspiring content from other pinners within your niche. Repinning not only helps you maintain a consistent presence but also builds relationships and encourages engagement within the Pinterest community.
  • Stay Informed: Keep up with Pinterest updates, algorithm changes, and best practices. Stay informed about new features, trends, and strategies that can help you optimize your pinning efforts.

7. Use the right Pinterest tools

There are some specific tools that can help you manage your Pinterest account.

Here are some of the best Pinterest tools for bloggers in 2024.

For Design Your Pins

If you are a beginner with no graphic design skills looking for the best tools, try the following:

These tools offer free plans that allow you to create amazing pins for your account.

For Pinterest Research and Topics

If you’re having challenges coming up with new pin ideas, check out the following tools:

Final Thoughts on Using Pinterest for Blogging

Pinterest is a long-term game, and it takes time to build an engaged audience. With patience, creativity, and the right strategy, you can use Pinterest to drive traffic to your blog, boost engagement, and ultimately grow your business.

We hope this article helps you learn how to use Pinterest for blogging.

For more, check out these other helpful resources:

Lastly, follow us on Facebook and Twitter to stay updated on the latest WordPress and blogging-related articles.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Pinterest Good for Blogging?

Definitely, Pinterest can be a valuable platform for blogging and driving traffic to your blog. While Pinterest is primarily known as a visual discovery platform, it can also be an effective tool for you to increase your blog visibility and attract new readers.

Can I Use Pinterest Without a Blog?

Yes, you can use Pinterest without having a blog. Pinterest is a versatile platform that can be used for various purposes beyond blogging.

How Much Traffic Can I Get Using Pinterest for Blogging?

The amount of traffic you can generate using Pinterest for blogging can vary depending on several factors, including the quality of your content, your pinning strategy, the size of your target audience, and the level of engagement you achieve. While it’s challenging to provide an exact number, many bloggers have experienced significant traffic growth through Pinterest.

Can I invest in Pinterest Ads for Blogging Success?

While Pinterest ads can be beneficial in boosting visibility and driving traffic, they are not essential for blogging success on the platform. Focus on creating high-quality, engaging pins, optimizing your profile, and utilizing SEO techniques before considering ads.

How Often Should I Post On Pinterest?

The frequency of your Pinterest posts will depend on various factors, such as your target audience, your niche, and how much time you have to dedicate to Pinterest. However, as a general rule, it’s a good idea to post at least 5-10 times per day.

How Do I Get More Followers On Pinterest?

There are a number of things you can do to get more followers on Pinterest. Here are a few tips:

  • Create high-quality pins.
  • Optimize your pins for search.
  • Pin relevant content.
  • Engage with other pinners.
  • Use relevant hashtags.
  • Pin at the right time.
  • Use eye-catching images.