15 Actionable Blogging Tips for New Bloggers

Are you a new blogger looking for some of the best blogging tips for your blog? If yes, you’re in the right place.

In this article, we’ll share 15 blogging tips for new bloggers that will help you easily create a successful blog.

Let’s get started!

15 Actionable Blogging Tips for New Bloggers

Here are some of the best blogging tips and tricks to drive traffic and build engagement.

1. Focus on a Profitable Niche That You Are Enthusiastic About

Don’t waste your time on blog about things you don’t care about. You are not going to stick with it.

Furthermore, your content will most likely be the same as everyone else’s, making it difficult to compete. So go with something you love.

Plus, the niche should be profitable. By that, we mean that there are actual people paying for products and services.

Google your niche (or relevant keywords) to discover if the top-ranking sites are monetizing. It might be from advertisements, affiliate marketing, goods, software, or services. If they are monetizing, it shows there is a market.

For example, if your niche is WordPress, you’ll find sites on Google selling themes, plugins, etc.


Recommended reading: Best Blogging Niches With Low Competition.

2. Research Your Audience

One of the most common beginner blogging mistakes? Not knowing who your target audience is. Along with deciding what you’ll write about, you’ll need to decide who you’ll write for. Consider the types of people who will read your blog based on the subject matter. Business professionals? Yoga enthusiasts? Etc.

Then, make a list of their interests, pain points, and needs. Based on what you know about their personalities, brainstorm what topics will interest them or what challenges they may be dealing with.

Keep these things in mind when you research blog topics and write the content. Every article you write should have a clear overview of why that particular piece of content will be valuable to your readers.

3. Target Topics People Are Searching For

As you build your list of topics, you should conduct some keyword research. This is the practice of targeting certain terms and phrases in your post depending on what your target audience is searching for on search engines.

This will not only allow you to create content that more effectively connects with your audience but also allow you to rank higher in search results, ensuring that your content gets read.

There are several ways to find targeted topics that people are searching for. Here are a few ways you can try:

  • Use Keyword Research Tools: Keyword research tools like SEMrush, Ahrefs, Google Keyword Planner, etc., can help you find popular search terms related to your niche. These tools allow you to enter a keyword or topic and generate a list of related keywords, along with information on their search volume and competition level.
  • Use Social Media: Social media platforms like Twitter, Reddit, Quora, etc., are great places to find out what people in your niche are talking about. Search for relevant keywords to see what questions people are asking and what topics are trending.
  • Analyze Your Website Data: Use Google Analytics to analyze the search terms people are using to find your website. This can give you an idea of what topics people are interested in and what they’re searching for.

Here is how you can use SEMrush Keyword Overview to find keyword metrics — volume, difficulty, questions, related keywords, top-ranking pages, CPC, etc.

SEMrush Keyword Overview Tool

Recommended reading: How to Do Keyword Research for a Blog Post.

4. Create Search Intent Content

Google’s goal is to offer its users the most relevant results for their queries. So, if you want to rank high on Google, you need the most relevant result.

In the real world, that means creating content that matches search intent.

To research search intent, you can use an SEO tool like SEMrush. SEMrush search intent feature makes it easy to find a keyword search intent.

Semrush Search Intent for Content Marketing

5. Build an Email List

If you’re growing your following on third-party platforms like Facebook or Twitter, don’t be stunned if they suddenly ban you, deactivate your account, or limit your reach.

They have their own rules, and you have no power over them.

So, building an email list is the most effective strategy for preventing this. You may contact your subscribers anytime as long as they are subscribed to you.

Check out these free email marketing services to start your email list for free.

However, to build an email list, you’ll need two things: traffic and something of worth.

Following the blogging tips in this article, you will drive traffic to your site. This means you’ll only need something valuable to get the readers to join your mailing list.

At Pickup WP, we keep things easy by offering to send them more of the content they enjoy directly to their inbox.

Pickup WP Subscriber Form

However, you can also offer a free ebook, the PDF version of the post, an email course, or anything else you like. All you need is a little bit of creativity.

6. Make Your Posts Easy to Read

The next on your list of blogging tips for bloggers is to make your blog post easy to read. This keeps your readers engaged and ensures that they get the message you’re trying to convey.

Here are some tips to make your post more readable:

  • Use Simple Language: Avoid using language that your readers may not understand. Instead, use simple, everyday language that is easy to comprehend.
  • Break Up Your Text: Use short paragraphs, subheadings, bullet points, etc., to break up your text into smaller, more manageable chunks.
  • Use Visuals: Add relevant images or graphics to your post to break up the text and make it more visually appealing.
  • Choose the Right Font: Use a clear, legible font that is easy to read. Avoid using fancy or decorative fonts that may be difficult to read.
  • Writing in Active Voice: Writing in an active voice makes your content more engaging and easier to understand.
  • Edit and Proofread: Edit your post for clarity and ensure there are no spelling or grammar errors. This makes your post more professional and easier to read. Use Grammarly to fix this.

For more, check out our expert tips on how to write a good blog post.

7. Craft Killer Headlines

Your blog post’s headline or title is usually the first thing readers notice. So, it has to be good enough to catch their attention and encourage them to read the article.

Here are some tips for creating killer headlines:

  • Use Numbers: Including numbers in your headlines can make them more impactful and compelling. For example, “21 Best Ways to Make Money Online Blogging“.
  • Keep it Short and Sweet: Headlines that are too long can be confusing and difficult to read. Aim for headlines that are no longer than 8-10 words.
  • Use Powerful Adjectives: Using descriptive and powerful adjectives can help make your headline stand out. For example, “amazing,” “essential,” or “incredible.”
  • Create a Sense of Urgency: Headlines that create a sense of urgency can be particularly effective. For example, “Don’t miss out on this limited-time offer.”
  • Use Emotional Triggers: Emotion plays a significant role in decision-making, so consider using emotional triggers in your headlines to grab attention. Examples include “Shocking,” “Mind-Blowing,” etc.

You can use a tool like CoSchedule Headline Analyzer to create clickable blog post titles.

CoSchedule Headline Analyzer

8. Use a Template

Most bloggers follow a common blog post structure. For instance, we use this template for listicles:

Listicle Template

It is the same template we’re using for this blog post, too. Have you noticed it?

Using templates can save time while maintaining consistency in content quality.

9. Repurposing Content

Over 7.5 million new blog posts are published every day. So don’t expect people to “magically” find your content. You have to promote it and let them know.

One of the best ways to do this is to repurpose your published content into different formats.

Here are a few ideas for repurposing your content:

  • Create Social Media Posts: Turn your blog posts, videos, or podcasts into bite-sized social media posts. You can also create quote cards, graphics, or infographics to highlight key points.
  • Turn Your Blog Posts Into Videos: Take your written content and turn it into a video. You can create a presentation or a talking-head-style video where you discuss the key points.
  • Create an eBook: Compile a series of blog posts on a specific topic and turn it into an eBook. You can also add new content or expand on existing content to make it more comprehensive.
  • Host a Webinar: Take a topic from your existing content and turn it into a webinar. You can create a presentation or a Q&A session where you discuss the topic in more depth.
  • Create a Podcast: If you have written content, turn it into an audio format by recording a podcast episode.

This is how Baclinko repurposed this on-page SEO guide into a YouTube video.

Recommended reading: How to Promote Your Blog.

10. Refresh Old Content

Another important blogging tip for beginners is to keep your content up to date. To begin, you should prioritize evergreen content – posts about timeless topics that will be relevant for years to come. Even with the most evergreen content, you’ll want to keep your posts updated to keep them fresh.

Additionally, updating your content has an SEO benefit. We’ve noticed many times when an update or rewrite boosts our results and brings us more search traffic.

Google Analytics Result After Updating Old Content

But how do you know which content to refresh? The simplest way is to install Google Analytics for your site.

You can use Google Analytics to identify which pages are generating the most traffic and which pages have a high bounce rate. Pages that are getting a lot of traffic but have a high bounce rate may benefit from a refresh.

Once you’ve identified the pages, then it’s a matter of figuring out what you need to update. You can do this by analyzing the top-ranking pages to see what they’re doing better than you.

11. Write As You Talk

A blog post should not be as cold or rigid as a white paper. Most visitors who see your blog post may only read a portion of it.

To keep the reader engaged in your content, you must maintain an easy, engaging, and conversational writing style. Personable content allows you to connect with real people rather than robots.

12. Network With Other Bloggers

Networking with other bloggers, marketers, and influencers in your niche is a great approach to improving your blog.

The simplest way to network with other bloggers is to comment on their blogs, link to them, tweet their content on a regular basis, email them, and so on.

Further, find ways to connect with other bloggers by using social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and so on. Tag them frequently by sharing their content so they will also reciprocate the same.

13. Create a Publishing Calendar for Your Blog

Consistency is essential for blogging success. You want to consistently generate high-quality content so your readers know they can rely on you. Creating an editorial calendar is one of the best blogging tips for ensuring publishing consistency.

Your publishing calendar lists all of the topics you want to cover in the next weeks. This guarantees that you never run out of ideas and that you always have something to write about. It also has a posting schedule to keep you on track with your blogging efforts.

14. Take Ideas From Competitor Blogs

An important blogging tip for new bloggers is to look at what your competitors are doing. Which topics are they writing about? How are they discussing important topics? This should offer you some ideas for what to write about and what topics are performing well.

Tools such as SEMrush and BuzzSumo provide a complete examination of your competitor’s content. You may use these tools to search certain URLs to figure out which pages are performing well, depending on the number of social shares.


15. Read Every Day

Novelists should read more books to become better authors, and bloggers should read more blogs to become better bloggers.

When we read other people’s work, we are exposed to new ideas, writing styles, and tones of voice. And everything we read has an impact on how we write.

So, no matter how much time you have throughout the day, whether it’s 30 minutes or one hour, spend some time reading online content that interests you or is related to your niche.

Even reading information outside of our interests or wheelhouse might be useful!


Starting a blog can be overwhelming, but with these blogging tips and tricks, you can start your blogging journey with confidence.

Remember to choose a niche, create a content strategy, write killer headlines, use social media to promote your blog, network with other bloggers, be consistent, and never stop learning.

By following these blogging tips, you can build a successful blog that resonates with your audience and helps you achieve your goals.

We hope you enjoyed these blogging tips for new bloggers.

For more, check out these helpful resources:

Lastly, follow us on Facebook and Twitter to stay updated on the latest WordPress and blogging-related articles.