Yoast SEO vs All in One SEO: Which is Better?

If you use WordPress and want to optimize your website for search engines, you’ve probably heard of the popular SEO plugins Yoast SEO vs All in One SEO.

Both plugins offer a number of features to help you improve your website’s ranking on Google and other search engines, but deciding which to use might be challenging.

In this article, we’ll compare All in One SEO vs Yoast SEO to help you decide which plugin is better for your website’s needs.

Ready to dive into the battle?

Let’s get started!

All in One SEO vs Yoast: Overview

All In One SEO and Yoast SEO are among the most popular WordPress plugins. The purpose of these tools is to make SEO easier by helping users through best practices such as keyword use in content.

Yoast SEO is the most popular SEO plugin, with over 5 million active installations.

Yoast SEO WordPress Plugin

One of the reasons for its popularity is that it offers user-friendly suggestions for optimizing content within the WordPress editor. It also offers recommendations to improve readability.

Aside from that, it’s one of the oldest WordPress SEO plugins.

All In One SEO works in the very same manner. Similar to Yoast SEO, it gives keyword and content optimization suggestions to help users rank higher in search results:

All in One SEO (aioseo)

Furthermore, it also comes with beginner-friendly features, such as a setup wizard that helps you implement the basics of SEO on your site.

This comparison of All In One SEO vs Yoast SEO will mostly focus on the free plugin versions. If you’re new to WordPress, you won’t necessarily need a paid tool to get started with SEO.

SEO Plugins Comparison: Yoast SEO vs All in One SEO

We will compare Yoast vs All in One SEO in 6 major categories. Let’s get started.

1. Installation and Setup

When creating a website, you want to use a plugin that is simple to install and configure. Many new WordPress website owners desire a simple, quick method to get their content on search engines and increase traffic to their sites.

Most WordPress users won’t bother if installing and configuring a plugin requires too much effort. Many beginners are looking for simple solutions that require a few steps.

Let’s look at how these two plugins compare when it comes to installing and setting basic SEO settings on WordPress websites.

Yoast SEO – Installation and Set up

First, you must install and activate the Yoast SEO plugin. For more details, see our guide to WordPress plugin installation.

Upon activation, you can go to SEO » General from your WordPress dashboard.

Here, you’ll see a box asking you to finish setting Yoast up with the configuration wizard. Simply click on the configuration wizard link. This will launch a step-by-step wizard to guide you through the setup process.

Launching Yoast SEO Setup Wizard

From here, you can answer each onboarding question so Yoast SEO can configure your site.

Yoast SEO Setup Wizard

After answering all the questions, it’ll redirect you to your WordPress dashboard and show that your settings are configured.

Yoast SEO Setup Wizard Complete

Yoast SEO divides its settings into tabs at the top of the page, so it’s easy to access and make necessary changes.

Yoast SEO Settings

The easy-to-use configuration wizard and simple settings layout make Yoast SEO a beginner-friendly plugin for all users. Even those who haven’t previously installed plugins can do so in minutes with Yoast.

All in One SEO – Installation and Set up

First, you must install and activate the All in One SEO plugin.

When activated, the plugin will automatically launch the setup wizard.

All in One SEO Setup Wizard

To start, simply click on the Let’s Get Started button.

All in One SEO setup wizard is simpler than Yoast SEO. Although they offer similar features, All in One SEO simplifies them well for beginners.

All in One SEO Setup Wizard Steps

After completing the wizard, go to the All in One SEO » General Options page to access the plugin settings.

All in One SEO Settings

The General Settings page is separated into sections. Under the General Settings menu, there are different pages for various features. For example, Search Appearance, Sitemaps, etc.

There is also a help icon next to each option. When you click on the icon, a short description of the feature appears. There is also a help icon at the top for more information.

All in One SEO Help Options

This makes it simple for beginners to grasp what they’re doing. Setting up the wizard alone would have most websites ready to start working on their website.

Winner: All in One SEO

Both plugins contain a lot of options, and they do their best to simplify things and make it much easier for users to get started. We believe All in One SEO setup wizard is better than Yoast SEO.

2. Everyday SEO Tasks

SEO is a continuous process; every new article or page you create has its own SEO score. This implies you’ll use your SEO plugin daily to optimize your content for search engines.

Let’s look at how each plugin handles day-to-day tasks on your WordPress website.

Everyday SEO Tasks in Yoast SEO

Yoast SEO has a content analysis tool that will help you optimize each post or page on your website.

Below the post editor, you will see the Yoast SEO meta box with a Google preview, focus keyphrase field, and content analysis.

Yoast SEO Meta Box in Classic Editor

The Google Preview shows how your post title and meta descriptions will appear in search engines. Yoast SEO usually uses your post title as the title and excerpt as the description. However, we advise you to edit it by clicking on it.

Yoast SEO Google Preview

Entering the focus keyphrase into Yoast SEO will allow the plugin to review your content for that specific keyword.

The content analysis section shows the analysis, where Yoast SEO will suggest how you can improve your post SEO score.

Yoast SEO Analysis

You may also navigate to the Schema tab to change the article’s schema markup settings.

Yoast SEO Schema

The last tab on the menu is for the Social tab. This is where you can set an article image for Facebook and customize your Twitter card.

Yoast SEO Social Tab

Everyday SEO Tasks in All in One SEO

Like Yoast SEO, AIOSEO also uses a snippet box at the bottom of a post or page to optimize for SEO. You can edit the focus keyphrase, title, and description.

All in One SEO Metabox

One handy feature you’ll notice is the Dynamic Tags. You can use these tags to include dynamic elements in your SEO title and descriptions, such as the current category, year, month, and more.

This can help you get more traffic and boost your SEO ranks by increasing your click-through rate in search results.

You can also go to the Social tab in All in One SEO and add a Facebook or Twitter image.

AIOSEO Social Settings

Additionally, the plugin allows you to change a specific post schema type.

AIOSEO Schema Settings

Clicking on the Advanced tab allows you to change your robots setting, canonical URL, and priority score.

AIOSEO Advanced Settings

All in One SEO also includes a Site Analysis tool. It provides an overall score for your site’s SEO settings. You can also use the Competitor Analysis tool to compare your site against competitors.


Winner: All in One SEO

Both plugins make it simple to change SEO settings on a per-post basis. But with a TruSEO score and Focus Keyphrase score, All in One SEO provides a more actionable plan. It also has an advantage over Yoast SEO because it uses dynamic tags in the title and description.

3. Indexing and Sitemaps – All in One SEO vs Yoast

One of the major functions of an SEO plugin is to help search engines discover more of your content.

This is done through creating sitemaps, connecting to webmaster tools, monitoring your site’s SEO, and more.

Let’s look at how Yoast and All in One SEO handle this.

Indexing and Sitemaps in Yoast SEO

Yoast SEO creates XML sitemaps for all of your post types automatically. To keep things simple, it does not have a separate page for viewing or managing your XML sitemaps.

However, you can enable or disable XML sitemaps by going to the SEO » General page and switching to the Features tab.

Yoast SEO XML Sitemap

The plugin’s settings don’t allow you to add or exclude post types from your XML sitemap.

Additionally, Yoast also makes it simple for you to validate your website using well-known webmaster tools like Google Search Console, Bing Webmaster Tools, Baidu, and Yandex.

Yoast Webmaster Tools

Furthermore, Yoast SEO premium users can also install and activate the Video and News sitemap extensions. This permits videos and news websites to rank in the video and Google News search results.

Yoast Sitemap Extensions

Indexing and Sitemaps in All in One SEO

All in One SEO also generate XML sitemaps for your WordPress site automatically. Unlike Yoast SEO, it lets you simply manage your XML sitemap from a separate settings page available under All in One SEO » Sitemaps.

All in One SEO Sitemaps

Scroll down to find different settings for managing your XML sitemaps. You can choose which post types and categories to include in your sitemaps.

All in One SEO Sitemap Settings

Additionally, AIOSEO lets you include any custom page in your sitemap. This is useful if you’re using a custom landing page that wasn’t created using WordPress.

Similar to Yoast, you can enable the Video and News sitemap extensions. Furthermore, AIOSEO includes an RSS sitemap feature.

All in One SEO Sitemap Extensions

Winner: All in One SEO

Both plugins offer outstanding XML sitemap functionality. However, All in One SEO gives you more control over your XML sitemaps.

4. Schema Support – Yoast SEO vs All in One

Schema markup is a kind of HTML code that you may use on your website to tell search engines more about the information in your content.

You can, for example, define whether the content is a recipe, a blog post, or a product page. This helps search engines to show rich snippets in search results.

Let’s see how All in One SEO and Yoast SEO compare at this point.

Schema Support in Yoast SEO

Yoast SEO inserts schema metadata into your WordPress posts and pages automatically. You can view the default settings by going to the SEO » Search Appearance page.

Yoast Schema Knowledge Graph

Scroll down to the Knowledge Graph & Schema.org section. Here, you can choose whether your website is for a person or a business. After that, you can add a name and a logo down below.

To see more schema options, navigate to the Content Types tab. Now, scroll down to the bottom to see the default schema settings for your content types.

Yoast Schema Settings

Further, you can also edit the scheme type for individual posts and pages. Edit the post or page, then go down to the Yoast SEO meta box and select the Schema tab.

Yoast Schema Settings for Post or Page

You can also use the Yoast Local SEO add-on to provide more detailed information about your business.

Schema Support in All in One SEO

Similarly, All in One SEO offers a default section for site-wide schema.org settings. You can find it under the All in One SEO » Search Appearance page.

AIOSEO Knowledge Graph

From here, you can give your organization’s or individual’s name, logo, phone number, and contact type, such as sales, support, and so on.

You may also change the default schema settings for each content type.

Default Schema Settings for Post types

You can also customize schema settings for each individual post and page. Simply scroll down the post edit screen and select the Schema tab under AIOSEO Settings.

AIOSEO Schema Settings for Post or Page

The plugin also includes a Local SEO extension to help you optimize your site for local search results.

Winner: Tie

Both plugins are neck-to-neck in terms of full schema.org support. All in One SEO performs a slightly better job at making those options more visible.

5. Additional Tools And Features – Yoast SEO vs. All in One SEO

You should ensure that the additional tools and features included with your plugin meet your needs so that you may create relevant content. They exist, so you don’t have to download additional plugins to fully optimize your site.

Both of these plugins include additional features to provide you with a complete solution for all of your on-page SEO needs.

Let’s review the additional SEO tools and features for AIOSEO and Yoast SEO.

Additional Tools And Features in Yoast SEO

Yoast SEO includes several features to help you in optimizing your content, including:

  • Breadcrumb Navigation
  • Social Media Integration
  • Robots.txt and .htaccess Editor
  • Open Graph Meta Tags
  • Import/Export SEO Data
  • Data Import from Google Webmaster Tools

Additional Tools And Features in All in One SEO

AIOSEO has a number of useful tools and features, such as:

  • Breadcrumb Navigation
  • User Access Control
  • Social Media Integration
  • Import and Export SEO Data
  • Link Assistant
  • Robots.txt
  • Redirection Manager
  • Performance Manager
  • Bad Bot Blocker

Winner: Tie

Both plugins provide a similar set of additional tools and features. Although All in One SEO has a nice user interface, we’d say it’s a tie in terms of functionality.

6. Support and Pricing

Any plugin must provide excellent customer support so you can feel confident using and adding it to your website. Poor customer support results in fewer sales, conversions, and customers.

It is also important to stick to your budget and select the one that will not break the bank.

Both SEO plugins provide free help through WordPress forums. Their premium plans allow you to use support tickets for specific issues.

Let’s compare the support and pricing plans of Yoast SEO and AIOSEO.

Yoast Support and Pricing

Yoast SEO free plan does not include customer support. As previously said, free users get access to support through forums from other users having the same issues.

It’s not good for those who don’t purchase a plan but still want the same quality of service as paying customers.

The premium version of Yoast allows you 24/7 email access to their support team. It starts at $99 per year for one website and goes up as you add more.

Yoast SEO Pricing

All in One SEO Support and Pricing

The free version of AIOSEO only offers forum support unless you purchase a paid plan.

You get Standard Support when you purchase its Basic and Plus plans. Priority Support is available when you upgrade to the pro version.

The Basic plan is $49.50 per year, the Plus plan is $99.50 per year, and the Pro plan is $199.50 per year.

All in One SEO Pricing

AIOSEO includes advanced eCommerce SEO support for WooCommerce, allowing you to optimize product pages, categories, etc. It also offers Local SEO, allowing you to rank on Google Maps and submit your business information to search engines.

Winner: All in One SEO

If you only have one website, the pricing is relatively similar. However, all Yoast subscriptions are limited to a single website. However, all in One SEO Pro plan offers ten websites, making it a far better deal.

Conclusion – Yoast vs All in One SEO – Which one is better?

It’s an extremely tight call when comparing All in One vs Yoast SEO. Both SEO plugins have many of the same features and a similar layout.

However, All in One SEO wins in terms of usability, user experience, and control over various features.

Additionally, All in One SEO is the best for local SEO, eCommerce schema support, and eCommerce SEO.

All in One SEO’s on-site SEO Audit and TruSEO score tools provide beginners with an actionable plan to improve their content and boost their SEO.

And if you have multiple websites, All in One SEO will save you a lot of money.

We hope this comparison of All in One SEO vs Yoast helped you find the best WordPress SEO plugin for your site.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Do I Need Both Yoast SEO and Yoast SEO Premium?

No, you do not need both Yoast SEO and Yoast SEO Premium. The free version of Yoast SEO is great and can help you improve your website’s SEO in a number of ways. However, if you are serious about SEO and want to get the most out of Yoast, then Yoast SEO Premium is a worthwhile investment.

Are SEO Plugins Worth It?

Absolutely! SEO plugins are worth the investment. It can help you improve your search engine ranks, increase organic traffic, and improve your overall online presence.