How to Submit WordPress Website to Google Search Console

Do you want to learn how to submit your WordPress website to Google Search Console?

Adding your WordPress site to Google Search Console is one of the most important steps in SEO optimization.

Did you know that the average individual searches for something online 3-4 times every day? As a result, it is critical that Google recognizes your website and shows it in search results.

This is the first step toward increasing website traffic, conversions, and business expansion. After all, if Google doesn’t know about your site, no one else will.

In this guide, we’ll show you how to submit your WordPress website to Google Search Console, also known as Webmaster Tools.

What Is Google Search Console?

Google Search Console, formerly called “Google Webmaster Tools,” is a free service that is available to all website owners.

It shows how Google indexes and adds your website to Google search results, allowing you to ensure that the correct people see your site.

You may use Google Search Console to do the following things:

  • Submit new content for indexing.
  • Add a sitemap.
  • See which search keywords cause your site to appear in search results.
  • Analyze your website’s impressions, clicks, and Google ranking.
  • Find and resolve common malware and spam issues.
  • Check out which other websites are linked to yours.
  • Troubleshoot issues for AMP, mobile usability, and other search features.
  • Confirm that Google can locate and crawl your WordPress site.
  • Fixing indexing problems and re-indexing requests for new or updated content.
  • Check to see whether your website passes the Core Web Vitals tests.

To put it in another way, Google Search Console is a useful tool that provides details about your website and its visitors.

So, are you serious about expanding your website?

Then you must add it to Google Search Console right away!

With that in mind, let’s look at how to add Google Search Console to your WordPress website.

Submit WordPress Website to Google Search Console

Before you can view your site’s Search Console data, you must first prove to Google that you own it.

To start, go to the Google Search Console website and click the Start Now button.

Google Search Console

After that, sign in with your Google / Gmail account.

After you log in, you’ll be asked to provide your website’s URL.

There are two options for site verification: domain name or URL prefix. We suggest the URL prefix option since it is more flexible.

Select Property Type

Keep in mind that Google regards HTTP and HTTPS as different protocols. Additionally, it considers and as two separate websites.

You must enter the correct WordPress website URL.

If you’re not sure, there’s a simple way to figure out the exact URL you need to enter. Simply go to the Settings» General page in your WordPress admin area.

In the site address field, you’ll see your website’s URL.

Copy Your Site Address From WordPress Settings Page

After you’ve entered your correct website address into the Google webmaster tools setup wizard, click on the Continue button.

Next, you will be asked to verify your website ownership. There are various ways to do this, but we will focus on the HTML tag method because it is the easiest.

Choose HTML Tag Method To Verify Ownership

Click on the HTML tag to enlarge it, then copy the code inside it.

Next, you need to add this Google site verification meta tag to WordPress so that Google can confirm that you are the website’s owner.

Now we’ll show you how to easily verify your WordPress site with Google Search Console using All in One SEO (AIOSEO), the best SEO plugin on the market.

Verify Your WordPress Site Using AIOSEO

All in One SEO Pack - Best WordPress SEO Plugin

You should use AIOSEO for site verification and other SEO practices for numerous reasons.

  • It is never a good idea to edit theme files directly. All your changes will be lost if the theme is updated.
  • With AIOSEO, you can easily add advanced SEO features that will improve your site’s rankings and increase visitors. For example, XML sitemaps, schema markup, social media integration, SEO audits, and WooCommerce SEO.
  • An SEO plugin greatly simplifies your work. You don’t need to know to code, and most features are activated by default. So, all you have to do is install the plugin, and you’re done!

Now that you understand why you should use AIOSEO, let’s look at how to verify your website with Google Search Console.

Verification Process

First, install and activate the All in One SEO plugin. For more in detail, see our guide on how to install a plugin in WordPress.

After activation, navigate to the All in One SEO » General Settings » Webmaster Tools page and click Google Search Console.

Webmaster Tools Verification in All in One SEO

Now, paste the code you copied from Google Search Console into the Google Verification Code box.

Paste Google Verification Code in All in One SEO

Next, click the Save Changes button to save your changes.

The final step is to go back to Google Search Console and click on the Verify button.

Verify Ownership In Google Search Console

Google Search Console will now check the HTML tag in your website code and show a success message.

Ownership Verified Success Message in Google Search Console

Note: If you do not see a success message, you should clean your WordPress cache. This ensures that Google can see the most recent version of your website.

That’s all. You have successfully submitted your WordPress website to Google Search Console (Webmaster tools). You may click the Go To Property link to see your Google Search Console dashboard.

Google Search Console Dashboard

From here, you can see your WordPress website’s performance reports and index coverage.

Before we do that, let’s create an XML Sitemap to make it easier for Google to crawl your site. For this, check out our guide on how to create a sitemap in WordPress.

And if you’re searching for amazing methods to boost your overall SEO to attract even more visitors to your site, check out our blog post SEO tips or ultimate WordPress SEO guide.

Click here to start using AIOSEO right away!

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