NitroPack vs WP Rocket: Which Offers Better Site Speed?

If you are struggling to decide between NitroPack vs WP Rocket for website speed and performance optimization, you will find answers to your questions in this article.

To be honest, this is not a clear-cut answer.

Both WP Rocket and NitroPack plugins provide excellent speed and performance features.

It is difficult to choose between the two because each has different specializations, making the decision even more difficult.

However, NitroPack is more costly than WP Rocket. But if you’re searching for more than just a budget, this comprehensive comparison of WP Rocket vs NitroPack is worth reading.

What To Choose If You’re In A Rush

NitroPack is an excellent all-in-one solution if you have money to invest in your website but don’t have the time to deal with manual fixes. It’s an easy-to-use performance optimization tool for passing the Core Web Vitals, and it’s highly customizable.

However, the main disadvantage is that it is more expensive.

NitroPack Pricing

If you are on a tight budget, WP Rocket is a great alternative.

It will still cost a small amount. However, it is considerably less expensive than NitroPack. It’s also a good option for file caching and optimization. Unfortunately, WP Rocket will not handle all you need to pass the Core Web Vitals.

WP Rocket Pricing

For example, it lacks a Content Delivery Network and doesn’t optimize your images.

As a result, WP Rocket is an excellent bootstrapping option. However, remember that you will need to do more work in addition to installing WP Rocket.

NitroPack Pros And Cons


  • Optimize your WordPress site for the Core Web Vitals test.
  • Easy to deploy.
  • Complete solution for website performance optimization.
  • Support various eCommerce plugins such as WooCommerce or Magneto.
  • Comes with a built-in Content Delivery Network (CDN), enhancing global site speed and performance.
  • Offer a free version to test out.


  • It can be more expensive than other solutions.
  • Being cloud-based, any downtime or issues with Nitropack’s service can directly impact your site’s performance.

WP Rocket Pros And Cons


  • Much more affordable than Nitropack.
  • Easy to install and configure.
  • Automatically configure best practices for page speed improvements.
  • Known for being highly compatible with a wide range of WordPress themes and plugins.
  • Strong customer support and regular updates to ensure compatibility with the latest WordPress versions.


  • WP Rocket doesn’t offer a free version, unlike some other WordPress caching and optimization plugins.
  • Unlike NitroPack, WP Rocket does not offer built-in CDN and image optimization out of the box.
  • Work only with WordPress.

WP Rocket vs NitroPack Features Comparison

WP Rocket and NitroPack share many functionality, especially for code, cache, and file optimizations.

However, other aspects differentiate them and should be considered while deciding between NitroPack or WP Rocket.

Let’s have a look at the key features of both tools.


Caching is not different between WP Rocket and NitroPack. NitroPack and WP Rocket both feature advanced browser caching mechanisms that help with speed optimization.

So, who does it better?

WP Rocket performs almost everything automatically.

It offers mobile caching options, and you can control the cache lifespan.

WP Rocket Mobile Caching Option

These options are not available in NitroPack. It’s especially good to see them in a cache plugin.

However, both plugins do browser caching, page caching, and all other forms of caching in the same way.

And similarities continue. WP Rocket, for example, supports cache preloading.

NitroPack also allows you to activate warm caching, which prepares site pages even while visitors are not using them.

NitroPack Cache Warmup

But NitroPack includes a few cache features that WP Rocket does not.

For example, you may get graph-like analytics of NitroPack’s advanced cache usage. This shows you the cache hit ratio about resource usage.

NitroPack smart cache invalidation features also update your website’s pages in the background without removing the cache version until a new version is available.

This approach helps in the retention of website users’ experiences during heavy traffic periods.

This is not currently available in WP Rocket. It would be nice to see it in a future release.

However, unlike WP Rocket, NitroPack does not provide you control over its cache settings.

Overall, the NitroPack plugin manages the cache better.

Content Delivery Network (CDN)

A content delivery network enhances performance by distributing your site’s content over multiple servers on the Internet.

When a user requests information from your website, the CDN searches the user’s IP address to find the nearest server location and serves the content from there.

This will result in a faster website, a better user experience, and better performance.

Let’s see how NitroPack vs WP Rocket implements CDN into their offerings.

WP Rocket does not have a built-in CDN. That is one of the main differences between the two tools.

However, it provides RocketCDN, a StackPath-powered add-on. You can set it up to work with your WP Rocket cache plugin, allowing you to benefit from both tools.

Aside from RocketCDN, WP Rocket works perfectly with Cloudflare, BunnyCDN, and other CDN service providers, allowing you to use any of them simply by adding the CDN CNAME record.

WP Rocket CDN Settings

However, the drawback is that RocketCDN is a different product from the WP Rocket cache plugin. Therefore, you’ll need to pay a monthly subscription of $8.99 for unlimited bandwidth.

On the other hand, NitroPack has built-in CDN services powered by Cloudflare, one of the fastest content delivery network providers.

If you’re already using Cloudflare, you’ll need to set up your domain and API in NitroPack.

However, if you want to use another CDN network rather than Cloudflare, there’s no option.

Overall, if you prefer a plug-and-play solution where everything is integrated and automated, NitroPack’s built-in CDN is a great option.

Image Optimization

Image optimization is an integral component of on-page SEO and plays a crucial role in improving website performance, both from a user experience and a search engine ranking perspective.

If your WordPress website’s images are not properly optimized, your users will have a poor experience.

So, how do WP Rocket and NitroPack stack up in this feature? Let’s check out.

WP Rocket offers advanced lazy loading. This causes images to be loaded only when needed.

WP Rocket Media Optimization

It improves site speed, although it isn’t as flashy as you might think. Since 5.5, WordPress has included advanced lazy loading as a default option.

In addition, WP Rocket is also compatible with WebP images.

For example, WebP allows for lossless image compression. This is somewhat helpful. However, it looks small in comparison to Nitropack’s offerings.

NitroPack offers the complete image optimization stack.

You only need to install NitroPack on your website, and it will compress all of your images. Furthermore, NitroPack has adaptive image sizing.

This increases your website speed and helps you fix a very common issue found in the Google Pagespeed Insights test.

PageSpeed Insights Error For Image Width and Height

Furthermore, NitroPack also features a Lazy load. However, as previously said, this is not a major feature.

If you use WordPress, you get it by default.

Lossless image compression and resizing are the most helpful features. Only NitroPack provides the whole image optimization stack required to boost WordPress’s site performance.

HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Optimization

NitroPack and WP Rocket both have file and code optimization as one of their key features.

But how do they deal with files and code optimization?

WP Rocket provides many advanced HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code optimization tools. This is one of the most powerful features of WP Rocket.

For example, you may minify, delay, and defer all JS scripts and delete unused CSS files.

In addition, you can create critical CSS files and combine files to decrease the number of HTTP requests. You can also stop internal and third-party files from being minified and concatenated.

WP Rocket File Optimization

If you enable the deferred JavaScript option, WP Rocket will load all JS files with deferred attributes.

This will eliminate the render-blocking resources error notification in many page speed testing tools.

NitroPack does all of the same file and code optimizations as WP Rocket but with much more.

NitroPack provides more file settings customization options. To prevent files from being modified, you can define more advanced rules.

For example, you have additional HTML settings and the opportunity to define custom CSS rules for optimized pages.

If you show ads on your blog, you can optimize ad delivery so that they do not block the initial page rendering.

NitroPack Ads Code Optimization Settings

Furthermore, if you’re using OptinMonster, one of the best popup plugins for WordPress, you may enable/disable its script during optimization.

Although not everyone will need the Ads and OptinMonster features, they are worth having.

While WP Rocket has all of the necessary features, NitroPack goes above and beyond.


Both plugins are compatible with most WordPress hosting, themes, and plugins.

However, WP Rocket was designed exclusively for WordPress blogs. This makes it a better choice than NitroPack if you use WordPress.

NitroPack, on the other hand, is a cross-platform website performance solution. As a result, it’s a better option if you are using different content management systems.

Many users have reported that after installing NitroPack, their websites broke.

So, we recommend that you test the caching tools on staging sites before deploying them to a live website.

NitroPack vs WP Rocket Pricing

In terms of pricing, WP Rocket is the more affordable option.

WP Rocket offers different pricing plans based on the number of websites you want to optimize.

WP Rocket Pricing

WP Rocket single website license costs you $59/year. It’s a lot compared to a free caching plugin. It also lacks several features you would expect at this pricing, such as image optimization and CDN.

However, when compared to Nitropack, it’s much cheaper.

Try WP Rocket

NitroPack pricing ranges from a free plan with basic features to premium plans with more advanced optimization capabilities.

NitroPack Pricing

NitroPack single website license costs you $19.95/mo. It’s far more pricey than the average WordPress plugin.

However, you get your money’s worth. And the price rises with the size of your website. If you have millions of monthly visitors, the $167.20/mo price tag won’t appear that high. The free version is also great for users who want to test it out before committing to the pro plan.

Try NitroPack Free

WP Rocket vs NitroPack Customer Support

When deciding between NitroPack or WP Rocket as a website optimization plugin, customer support quality is crucial. As with any plugin, customers may have technical difficulties or concerns about how to use the plugin efficiently. In these cases, having access to timely and helpful customer support can be vital to ensuring that the plugin works as intended and that users can achieve their optimization goals.

NitroPack offers many customer support channels, including email, live chat, and a knowledge base. Furthermore, the dedicated NitroPack team offers individual assistance to customers who want help with setup or technical issues.

NitroPack Support

WP Rocket also has the same support system as NitroPack. Furthermore, this plugin has a ticket-based support system and knowledge base that are enough for users with some technical knowledge and who prefer to handle issues on their own.

WP Rocket Support

NitroPack vs WP Rocket: Which Is Right For You?

After comparing WP Rocket and NitroPack, we can say that both are powerful WordPress speed optimization tools.

WP Rocket is a premium cache plugin that speeds up website performance by caching pages and reducing CSS and JavaScript files. It also has lazy loading, database optimization, and other features that help to speed up your WordPress site. Plus, it is easy to use and offers good customer support, making it an excellent option for both new and experienced users.

Try WP Rocket

Nitropack, on the other hand, is a comprehensive cloud-based website performance optimization solution that includes caching, image optimization, and a CDN ready to go out of the box. It also integrates well with other CMS and provides real-time performance analytics and monitoring tools that help you track your website’s performance and identify areas for improvement.

Try NitroPack Free

We hope our comparison of WP Rocket vs NitroPack helped you find the best performance optimization plugin for your website.

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