WordPress Login URL: How to Find and Manage It

Do you want to know how to find the WordPress login URL? If yes, you get your answer here.

After installing WordPress on your site, you should go to your WordPress admin page to make changes, customize your homepage, and publish your first blog post.

But, before you do anything else, you must first log in to your WordPress admin page.

In this article, we’ll show you how to find your WordPress login URL so that you can simply access the admin page. We’ll also show you how to change the default login URL, secure it, personalize it, and much more.

What Is the WordPress Dashboard?

The WordPress Dashboard is the main control panel of your WordPress site, appearing immediately after logging in. It provides access to all the administrative functions, including creating and editing posts, managing media, and configuring site settings.

This is how it looks like:

WordPress Dashboard

The WordPress Dashboard allows you to control your website and do important things like:

  • Create and Edit Content: You can create new posts, pages, and other types of content and edit existing content using the WordPress Editor. This includes adding text, images, videos, and other media to your site.
  • Manage Comments: You can moderate and manage comments on your site, including approving, deleting, or marking them as spam.
  • Customize Your Site: You can customize your site’s appearance and functionality by installing plugins and themes. You can also customize your site’s settings, such as its title, tagline, and homepage layout.
  • Manage Users: You can manage user accounts on your site, including adding and deleting users, assigning user roles, and setting user permissions.
  • Backup and Restore Your Site: You can create backups of your site’s content and settings and restore them in case of data loss or website errors.
  • Manage Security: You can manage your site’s security settings, including installing security plugins, configuring SSL certificates, and setting up two-factor authentication for user logins.

In short, the WordPress Dashboard is the most important area of your website.

How to Find Your WordPress Login URL

After learning about the WordPress admin page, you’ll probably wonder how you can access it.

To access the admin page of your WordPress site, go to the WordPress login page and enter your login credentials.

Here is how a WordPress login page looks:

WordPress Login Form

Your website’s login page link is not visible on any specific page.

However, there are several ways to access the login page. One of the easy ways is to put your website name (or domain name) into your web browser’s address bar, followed by a forward slash (/) and wp-admin.


Don’t forget to replace example.com with your domain name and paste it into your browser’s address bar. When you press enter on your keyboard, the login screen for your WordPress site will appear.

Now, enter your username and password into the appropriate fields.

However, you may also access the WordPress login page using the following 3 URLs:

  • example.com/login
  • example.com/admin
  • example.com/wp-login.php

Again, change example.com with your domain name, and you’re ready to go.

WordPress Login URL on a Subdomain

There can be situations when you need to install WordPress on a subdomain. For example, suppose you run an eCommerce site and have WordPress installed on a subdomain like subdomain.example.com.

In such cases, how can you get to the WordPress admin login page?

When WordPress is installed on a subdomain, you may access the login page in several ways:

  • subdomain.example.com/wp-admin
  • subdomain.example.com/login
  • subdomain.example.com/admin
  • subdomain.example.com/wp-login.php

You can use any of the URLs listed above, replacing subdomain.example.com with your subdomain. Simple, hmmm?

WordPress Login URL on a Sub-Directory

WordPress, like subdomains, may be installed under a subdirectory. The URL may be something like example.com/wordpress.

You may use any of the following URLs to get to your subdirectory’s login page:

  • example.com/wordpress/wp-admin
  • example.com/wordpress/login
  • example.com/wordpress/admin
  • example.com/wordpress/wp-login.php

This takes you to the login screen.

Ways to Remember Your WordPress Login URL

While experienced WordPress users may easily remember the login URL of their website, newbie WordPress users may struggle to remember the login URL of their website.

So, how can you get to the WordPress login page?

Luckily, there are three ways to remember the login page without having to type it in the address bar of your web browser every time.

1. Bookmark Your WordPress Site Login Page

Bookmarking a web page in your browser is the easiest way to remember it. This will allow you to instantly visit the login page whenever you need it.

Bookmark WordPress Login URL in Chrome

2. Add the Login Page URL to Your WordPress Site

Another method to remember the login page is to add a link to your website. This will allow you to access the login page from your homepage.

You may add the login link to your website’s menu, sidebar, or footer. Let me show you how.

1. Adding a Login Link to a Menu

Simply go to Appearance » Menus from your WordPress admin dashboard.

Next, click on the Custom Links tab and enter your WordPress login URL and text. After you’re done, click the Add to Menu button to add this link to your menu. Additionally, don’t forget to click the Save Menu button.

Add Login URL in WordPress Menu

2. Adding a Login Link to Sidebar or Footer

Simply go to Appearance » Widgets from your WordPress admin dashboard.

Here, you’ll see all the available widget areas. This depends on the theme you’re using.

Now, open any widget area (sidebar or footer) and drag the Meta widget from the Available Widgets section to it. This will add the login link, as well as other links, to your sidebar or footer.

If you only want to show the login link, add the Custom HTML widget to the widget area of your choosing and the following code to the content area:

Custom HTML

Replace example.com with your domain and then click on Save.

3. Log in to WordPress from Your Web Hosting Dashboard

Many WordPress hosting companies offer simple shortcuts to access your WordPress admin area. This allows you to skip the WordPress login screen entirely.

Here’s how to access WordPress using popular hosting dashboards.

Log in to WordPress Using Bluehost

Bluehost is one of the world’s biggest web hosting providers. It offers a user-friendly interface with simple shortcuts for managing your WordPress site.

Simply log in to your Bluehost dashboard, then on the Home page, select the Log into WordPress button to access your main site.

Log in to WordPress From Bluehost

Log in to WordPress Using Hostinger

If you have started your blog using Hostinger WordPress hosting, just log in to the Hostinger dashboard, and on the home page, click on the Dashboard option.

Next, click on Edit website on the upper right side of the screen.

Log in to WordPress From Hostinger

Now, on the next page, you have a screen saying redirecting to the WordPress dashboard, and after a few moments, you will be redirected to your WordPress dashboard.

Log in to WordPress Using SiteGround

SiteGround also offers a quick shortcut for logging into your WordPress site.

Log in to your SiteGround hosting dashboard and choose the Websites tab at the top. From here, you can see a list of the websites you have set up under your hosting account.

Next, you need to click the WordPress Admin button next to the specific website.

Log in to WordPress From SiteGround

How to Change WordPress Login URL

Now that you know how to identify your WordPress site’s login URL, next, we’ll show you how to change the login URL.

If you like, you may replace the default URL with something like example.com/my-login-page.

Wait! Why should you modify the login URL? The answer is straightforward: security.

The trouble with the default login URL is that everyone knows how to go to the login page of any WordPress site. This can allow hackers to use brute force attacks to get access to your website.

The best way to prevent this security issue is to change the WordPress login URL to a different route.

To do this, you can use a WordPress plugin called WPS Hide Login. It is a popular plugin with over 1+ million installs that will help you in creating a new login URL by hiding the default one.

Before using this plugin, please take a full backup of your website. Check out some best WordPress backup plugins for your site.

Once you have done your backup, install and activate the WPS Hide Login plugin.

Next, go to Settings » General from your WordPress dashboard to access the General Settings page. Here, you need to scroll down to find the WPS Hide Login settings.

Now, in the Login URL field, enter a new pathname (any text you want).

Change WordPress Login URL in WPS Hide Login

In the Redirection URL field, enter 404 to redirect the default login URL to a 404 error page. Once done, click Save Changes to save the changes.

You may now test your new login URL to ensure that it works properly.

How to Secure the WordPress Login Page

If you don’t want to modify the default login URL, limit the number of login attempts to secure your WordPress site. This will help you in locking the login page if someone attempts to hack your website.

For this, you can use a WordPress plugin, Limit Login Attempts Reloaded. This plugin can let you limit the number of login attempts and, if needed, block a user.

First, install and activate the Limit Login Attempts Reloaded. Upon activation, go to Settings » Limit Login Attempts.

On the settings page, you should click on the Settings tab to make any changes.

Here you can enter the number of allowed login attempts. You can also enter how long a user should be locked out after reaching the maximum attempt count.

Limit Login Attempts Reloaded settings

Once done, click on the Save Settings button to save your changes.

Now, test your login page by entering the wrong username and password combination.

Login Attempt Error

As you can see above, the plugin shows an error message and notifies you that you have two attempts left. If you enter the incorrect login credentials two more times, you will be locked out for 20 minutes.

How to Customize the WordPress Login Page

WordPress’s website comes with a powerful user management system. This lets users create accounts on eCommerce stores, membership websites, and blogs.

By default, the login page displays the WordPress branding and logo. This is good if you run a small blog or are the only person with admin access.

But, if your website allows users to register and log in, a custom login page provides a better user experience.

To customize a simple WordPress login page, you can use a plugin like LoginPress. It has several customization options that allow you to change the WordPress login page’s design. Plus, you can even customize the login error messages.

First, install and activate the LoginPress. Upon activation, you’ll see a new menu item, LoginPress, on the left sidebar.

Next, to customize the login page, go to LoginPress » Customizer.

From here, you can add or remove any element you want.

For example, you can customize the background image or color, change the login logo, customize the login form, etc.

LoginPress Customizer

Once done, click on the Publish button to save your changes.

Some Common WordPress Login Page Errors and How to Fix Them

There may be times when login issues on your WordPress site prevent you from accessing your WordPress dashboard.

Don’t worry! You can easily fix most of these issues on your own.

1. Incorrect WordPress Password

The most common cause of WordPress login errors is an incorrect password. If your WordPress username and password don’t match, the following message will show on the login screen:

Incorrect Password Login Error

To resolve the wrong password problem, select the eye symbol to read the inputted password and try again.

If the issue continues, click the Lost your password? Link to change your login details. It can be found below the WordPress login form. On the next screen, enter your username or email address, and WordPress will give you a password recovery link via email.

2. Error Establishing Database Connection

Another common WordPress login issue is a failed database connection. This problem occurs when your WordPress website is unable to reach and obtain information from its database due to corrupted files.

To solve this WordPress database connection error, repair your database or create a new one.

3. WordPress Login Redirect Loop

Some users may encounter an issue in which WordPress continues to redirect them to the wp-admin page despite entering their correct login information.

To solve the WordPress login redirect loop problem, try the following solutions:

  • Clear Your Browser Cache and Cookies: Clear your browser’s cache and cookies to ensure that there are no stored redirects that are causing the issue.
  • Disable Your Plugins: Temporarily disable all your WordPress plugins to see if the redirect loop is being caused by a plugin conflict.
  • Update Your URLs: Check that your WordPress URL and site URL settings are correct.
  • Check Your .htaccess File: If you have made any recent changes to your .htaccess file, it could be causing the redirect loop. Try renaming your .htaccess file to see if this resolves the issue.
  • Use a Default WordPress Theme: Temporarily switch to a default WordPress theme to see if the issue is with your current theme.
  • Update WordPress: Make sure you are running the latest version of WordPress, as older versions may contain bugs that can cause redirect loop issues.

4. Locked Out of WordPress

There are several issues that can cause you to get locked out of your WordPress website. Some common causes are:

  • White screen of death: This problem, which is usually caused by PHP and memory limit issues, will display an incorrect message or a blank page to users and WordPress website admins. You can troubleshoot this error by increasing the WordPress site’s memory limit, disabling plugins, and using the default theme.
  • Parse error or syntax error: This error message suggests that your PHP code includes incorrect formats. To fix this, use an FTP client to inspect your PHP code for missing or extra characters.
  • Issues with plugins or themes: Corrupted or out-of-date plugins and themes may block you from logging in to WordPress. To fix this, fix the corrupted .htaccess file.


In this article, we’ll show you how to find the WordPress login URL for your site. These include simply adding /wp-admin at the end of your domain, plus finding the WordPress login URL for the subdomain and subdirectory.

We will also show you how to change the WordPress login URL for security reasons. Plus, some of the best ways to customize your WordPress login page.

Lastly, shows some common WordPress login page errors and how to fix them.

We hope this article helped you learn how to find and manage your WordPress login URL.

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