How to Install WordPress [Step-by-Step Beginner Guide]

Are you trying to figure out how to install WordPress? There are several methods you may use, each of which we’ll go through in detail in this guide.

By the end of this WordPress installation guide, you should have a functional WordPress site and be ready to start adding content.

First and foremost, why are there different methods for installing WordPress in the first place? The answer is simple. WordPress is known as the most popular CMS in the world. It powers over 43% of all websites on the internet. Due to its widespread use, WordPress has a number of helper tools that make it easier to install the platform on many different servers and hosts. As a result, there are several different methods to install WordPress rather than just one.

In this guide, we’ll explore a few different methods to install WordPress.

Let’s get started!

Method 1: Choose a Host that Includes WordPress Pre-Installed

The easiest way to install WordPress is to just choose a host that handles it for you. Many WordPress-specific hosting providers give you the option of having WordPress pre-installed. That means you can start using your WordPress site as soon as you sign up for hosting. In this case, the topic of “how to install WordPress” is completely useless!

Here are a few hosts that will pre-install WordPress for you:

Don’t worry if you’ve already chosen a different host. Most other hosts still make it very simple to install WordPress.

Method 2: How to Install WordPress From cPanel

cPanel is the hosting administration panel that most web hosts provide to their users. When you sign up for hosting, your host should give you cPanel login information. And, for the majority of hosts, the cPanel interface looks similar. The style of your interface may be different, but the core layout will be the same:

SiteGround cPanel Dashboard

In your cPanel interface, your host should give you access to one or more autoinstallers. Basically, autoinstallers automate the entire WordPress installation process, which we’ll go through in the next section. Instead of having to manually install WordPress, you simply provide some basic information, press a button, and the autoinstaller does it for you.

Here are a few most common WordPress autoinstallers:

  • Fantastico
  • Softaculous
  • QuickInstall

While there may be minor interface differences, all of the autoinstallers perform similarly. We’ll show you an example of how to install WordPress on cPanel using Softaculous. However, the exact interface for your specific autoinstaller may be a bit different.

How to Install WordPress Using Softaculous

To get started, simply log in to your cPanel account and look for Softaculous or WordPress installer icon. You’ll find them under the Auto Installers section.

Install WordPress Using Softaculous

By clicking on any of these icons, the Softaculous auto-installer for WordPress will be launched. Then, select the Install Now tab.

Click on Install Now Button to Installing WordPress

Softaculous will now ask you where you wish to install WordPress. You need to choose either http:// or http://www. as the protocol.

However, if your site is secured with SSL and HTTPS, you can use https:// or https://www. as the protocol.

After that, choose the domain name where you want to install WordPress. Most users prefer installing WordPress in their domain’s root directory, such as In that case, make sure the In Directory field is empty.

Choose Protocol and Domain

Now, scroll down to find the site setting section.

Here, you need to enter a title and description for your WordPress site. Don’t worry; you can change them after installation via your WordPress admin area.

Softaculous WordPress Site Settings

Enable WordPress multisite only if you plan to create a multisite network.

Next, enter an admin username, password, and email address. Softaculous will automatically fill up the username and password fields for you. You can, however, change them if you want.

Softaculous WordPress Admin Settings

The rest of the settings on the screen are optional.

Once you’ve completed all of the fields, click the Install button at the bottom of the screen. It may take a minute or so to run. After then, you should receive a confirmation, and that’s all. This is how to use an autoinstaller to install WordPress on cPanel. You can now visit your WordPress site by going to

Can’t find your WordPress login page, check out our guide on WordPress login URLs.

Method 3: How to install WordPress Manually

To run the famous WordPress 5-minute install, you’ll need an FTP program to upload files. We use FileZilla, but there are plenty of quality free FTP programs available that you can use.

To get started, download the latest version of WordPress from

WordPress comes in the form of a Zip file. You’ll need to unzip the file, which contains a WordPress folder. This folder contains all of the WordPress files that you will need to upload to your web server.

Now, connect the FTP client to your hosting server. Once connected, use the FTP program to upload the WordPress files from your system to your website server.

Uploading WordPress Files Using FTP Client

If you want to install WordPress on your root domain name (i.e.,, you must upload WordPress files to your website’s root directory. This directory is usually referred to as /public_html/.

After you’ve completed uploading WordPress, navigate to your hosting control panel and create a database.

On the cPanel dashboard, click on the MySQL Databases icon.

MySQL Databases Icon in cPanel

You should see the option to Create a New Database. Give a name to your database and click Create Database:

Create New Database

Next, create a user for your database. Simply scroll down to MySQL Users and create a new user:

Create MySQL User

Once you’ve created the user, provide it access to the database you’ve created:

Add User to Database

On the next screen, give that username All Privileges and click on the Make Changes button.

User Privileges

That’s it! You have created your MySQL database and user.

Now, go to your domain name (i.e., to finish the installation process. When you go to your domain, you should see the WordPress installation wizard. Simply select your language and then click on the Continue button.

Select WordPress Language

You will now see some installation instructions. WordPress will now notify you that it requires your database name, password, and MySQL host information.

To proceed, click the Let’s Go button.

WordPress will now display a form. Simply enter the database information you created earlier.

Enter Database Information for WordPress Installation

Once completed, click the Submit button. WordPress will now connect your database and show a success message.

Next, click on the Run the Install button to continue.

WordPress Can Now Connect to Your Database

Now give some information for WordPress to set up your site. This includes the site title, username, password, admin email address, search engine visibility, etc. Once fill all the fields, click on the Install WordPress button.

Setting Up Your Website During WordPress Install

Now, WordPress will set up and finish the installation for you.

You will get a success message with your username. Simply click on the Log In button to sign in to your WordPress site.

That’s it! You just learned how to manually install WordPress in under five minutes.

Things to do After Installing WordPress

Now that you’ve successfully installed WordPress, here are a few things to help you get started with your new WordPress site.

Choose a WordPress Theme

Themes control the visual appearance of your WordPress-based website. There are thousands of free & premium WordPress themes available to choose from. With so many options, it can be a bit confusing for beginners. That’s why we’ve put together a guide to choosing a WordPress theme.

Check out some of our popular theme showcases.

Install Essential WordPress Plugins

WordPress plugins are similar to apps for your WordPress site. It allows you to extend functionality and add new features to your site.

The WordPress directory alone has more than 59000 free WordPress plugins. For more plugins, you can download them from third-party websites as paid plugins.

If you’re wondering which plugins to install, then take a look at our handpicked list of essential WordPress plugins for all websites.

Also, check out our beginner guide on how to install WordPress plugins.

Install Google Analytics

As the owner of a website, you must understand your audience, what they are searching for, and how you can help them in finding it. These insights help you make better business decisions.

This is where Google Analytics comes in handy. It shows the number of visitors to your website, where they came from, and what they did while there.

Check out our beginner guide on how to add Google Analytics to the WordPress site.

Submit WordPress Site to Google Search Console

Google Search Console (GSC) is a free SEO tool offered by Google to help you monitor your website presence in Google search results.

It allows you to track search ranking while also keeping you informed of site errors, security concerns, and indexing issues that may affect the search performance of your website.

If you are serious about WordPress SEO, you should add it to Google Webmaster Tools from day one.

Check out how to submit the WordPress site to Google Search Console.


Installing WordPress is a straightforward and essential process for anyone looking to create a website or blog.

From choosing the WordPress host with one-click WordPress installation to installing WordPress manually, you can set up your WordPress site efficiently and effectively.

We hope this guide helps you learn how to install WordPress using different methods.

For more, check out these other helpful resources:

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