Best Website Builders for SEO: 7 Powerful Options Reviewed

Are you struggling to find the best website builders for SEO to boost your online presence?

Choosing the right website-building platform can make all the difference in driving more traffic and growing your site visibility.

In this article, we’ll review the seven best SEO website builders that help your site stand out in search engine results.

Dive in and find the best options that will take your website to the next level.

The 7 Best Website Builders for SEO

Here are some of the popular website builders to consider:

1. Wix Website Builder

Wix is a popular website builder for SEO optimization. It’s known for its easy-to-use interface and drag-and-drop functionality.

Wix has several features that make it an excellent choice for SEO.

The platform has a built-in SEO tool called Wix SEO Wiz, which walks users through the process of optimizing their websites for search engines.

It provides step-by-step guidance for increasing website visibility and lets users customize key SEO elements. These include meta tags, title tags, URL customization, and more.

Furthermore, Wix ensures that all websites built with it are mobile-friendly. This is essential for SEO since mobile friendliness is one of Google’s ranking signals.

One notable thing about Wix is its integration with Semrush. This allows you to access Semrush’s SEO keyword data directly from your Wix dashboard.

Wix SEO Features:

  • An SEO Wix tool to optimize your site for search engines.
  • Easily add custom meta titles and descriptions for each page.
  • Automatic generation and updates of your XML sitemap.
  • It offers image optimization with alt text.
  • Supports 301 redirects to manage broken links effectively.
  • Integration with Google Analytics and Search Console.
  • Supports schema markup.


You can start using Wix by creating a free Wix account, which gives you access to basic SEO features. However, a free Wix account shows Wix branding and offers only 500MB of cloud storage.

To remove Wix branding and connect a custom domain, the plan starts from ₹199/mo.

Start Wix For Free

2. WordPress

WordPress is one of the most popular website builders worldwide, renowned for its SEO-friendly features. In fact, over 43.3% of websites use WordPress as their content management system (CMS).

WordPress comes in two versions: and

The version offers a free basic content management system (CMS) and offers additional paid plans for extended features., on the other hand, is the software that you install on a third-party web hosting service.

For SEO optimization, it offers several SEO plugins that help you with your on-page and technical SEO. These include adding SEO titles and meta descriptions, setting up 301 redirects, submitting XML sitemap, etc.

Furthermore, WordPress allows easy customization of meta tags, headings, and URLs, all crucial elements for effective SEO.

Additionally, its responsive themes ensure your site is mobile-friendly, further boosting your search rankings.

For more, read our complete article on WordPress SEO.

WordPress SEO Features:

  • Support customizable permalinks for clean and search-friendly URLs.
  • Extensive plugin support for SEO.
  • Offers mobile-friendly themes to enhance site accessibility and rankings.
  • Integration with Google Analytics and Search Console.
  • Option to add alt text to images for better indexing.
  • Fast loading times with various caching plugins.
  • Support for structured data to enhance search engine visibility.


WordPress software is free to download and use. However, you will need to pay for hosting and a custom domain name to start your site.

Depending on your needs, you may choose between shared hosting and managed WordPress hosting. Most personal and small-business websites can be hosted using shared hosting services.

For web hosting, we recommended Bluehost. WordPress officially recommends it and offers a free domain name (first year) and an SSL certificate.

Start WordPress With Bluehost

3. Squarespace


Squarespace is a popular site builder known for its sleek design templates and user-friendly interface.

But how does it fare when it comes to SEO?

Squarespace offers several built-in SEO tools that can help improve your website’s visibility on search engines. It provides customizable title tags and meta descriptions, which are crucial for on-page SEO.

Additionally, Squarespace automatically generates clean URLs and XML sitemaps, making it easier for search engines to index your site.

The platform also includes options for image optimization, mobile responsiveness, and SSL certificates, all of which contribute to better SEO performance.

Squarespace SEO Features:

  • Allows editing of title tags and meta descriptions for better search engine visibility.
  • Automatic sitemap generation for easy indexing.
  • Clean, mobile-friendly design templates.
  • URL customization for better keyword targeting
  • Automatic image tagging for SEO.
  • URL mapping and redirects.
  • Social media integration to boost visibility.


Squarespace doesn’t have a free plan but offers a 14-day free trial to build and test the website.

After that, the premium plan starts at $16/mo.

Start Squarespace Free Trial

4. Weebly

Weebly Drag and Drop Website Builder

Next on our list of the best website builders for SEO is Weebly. It offers everything you need to rank on search engine results pages (SERPs).

With Weebly, you will have the peace of mind of knowing your website is automatically designed to be search engine optimized. All websites built on the platform have an SEO-friendly HTML structure, a sitemap, and a responsive design.

In addition, it lets you add meta descriptions, page titles, and alt text to images. You get a detailed guide that will help you learn how to boost SEO with Weebly’s tools.

One of the standout features of Weebly is its user-friendly drag-and-drop website builder. This tool not only makes it a breeze to customize your pages but also enhances the user experience for your website visitors, thereby boosting your SEO. Additionally, you can track visitors and gain insights into your pages’ performance with the built-in statistic tools.

Weebly SEO Features:

  • An SEO Settings menu for every page and post.
  • Create a clean, readable, SEO-friendly URL structure.
  • Automatic sitemap generation.
  • Set up 301 redirects to maintain link equity.
  • Integrated SEO guide to help optimize your site.
  • An App Center with almost 50 SEO-focused plugins.


Weebly offers a free plan that is good enough to build an ecommerce store and start selling. However, the downside is your website address contains a “” prefix, which looks unprofessional.

To connect a custom domain, the pro plan starts from $10/mo.

Start Weebly For Free

5. Shopify


Shopify is an SEO website builder, especially for e-commerce businesses. It offers a range of SEO-friendly features that help you to optimize your online store.

You can easily edit meta titles and descriptions for all your products and pages, ensuring your content is optimized with the right keywords. Shopify also allows for URL customization, which helps create clean and SEO-friendly links.

Additionally, Shopify’s mobile-responsive themes ensure your site looks great and functions well on any device, which is crucial for SEO as mobile-friendliness is a ranking factor.

Shopify also supports SSL certificates, ensuring your site is secure and trustworthy, a key factor for both SEO and customer confidence.

Moreover, Shopify’s App Store offers a variety of SEO apps that can help you with everything from keyword optimization to managing 301 redirects.

Shopify SEO Features:

  • Shopify automatically generates a sitemap and robots.txt file for your store.
  • Canonical tags are added to pages to prevent duplicate content issues.
  • You can edit your product titles, descriptions, and URLs for better SEO.
  • Supports a variety of SEO plugins to enhance your website’s optimization.
  • An integrated blogging platform for content marketing.
  • Support structured data for rich snippets.


Shopify offers a 3-day free trial and ₹20/mo on your selected plan for the first month.

After that, Shopify Basic plan starts from ₹1,499/mo (billed annually).

Start Shopify Free Trial

6. Hostinger Website Builder

Hostinger Website Builder

Hostinger Website Builder is a great option if you’re looking for an affordable and powerful website builder with advanced SEO features.

One of the standout features is its intuitive drag-and-drop editor, which allows you to create and customize your websites without any coding knowledge.

Furthermore, it is designed with SEO best practices in mind. It provides built-in tools for editing meta titles, descriptions, and URLs, ensuring that each page is fully optimized for search engines.

In addition, it also supports image alt text customization and integrates seamlessly with Google Analytics.

Additionally, Hostinger’s websites are designed to be mobile-friendly, a crucial factor since search engines prioritize mobile-optimized sites in their rankings.

Overall, it’s the best website-building platform for SEO.

Hostinger Website Builder SEO Features:

  • Choose from 150 mobile-friendly templates that are already SEO-friendly.
  • Use the AI website builder to get a website draft based on your industry.
  • Edit important SEO elements like titles, descriptions, and URLs.
  • Add keywords to your pages to help with search ranking.
  • Get AI suggestions for image alt text to improve accessibility and SEO.
  • Hostinger automatically generates a sitemap for your website.


Hostinger Website Builder costs $2.99/mo.

Start With Hostinger Website Builder

7. SITE123

SITE123: Free Website Builder

If you want a reliable and affordable website builder with many SEO features, Site123 is worth considering.

Site123 doesn’t just cover the basics like meta tags and descriptions. It goes above and beyond with its own site audit tool, SEO Adviser, ensuring your website is fully optimized.

It also has an automated sitemap generator and Google Analytics connection to help you boost your search engine rankings.

If you set up a new website, you can also auto-generate 301 redirects to retain your old search engine rankings. To further boost your search engine rankings, integrate Google Search Console tools through the site editor to improve your Core Web Vitals.

SITE123 SEO Features:

  • Built-in SEO audit tool.
  • SEO Advisor gives you a checklist of things to include on your pages.
  • Generates XML sitemaps for efficient search engine indexing.
  • Creates multilingual sites with up to 5 language localizations.
  • Set meta tags for your website.
  • Webmaster tools integration.
  • Easily redirect old URLs to new ones.


SITE123 offers a free plan with subdomains and ads. To remove SITE123 ads and connect a custom domain, the Basic plan costs $3.50/mo.

Start SITE123 For Free

What to Look for in an SEO Website Builder

Here’s a brief checklist of things to look for when selecting an SEO-friendly website builder:

  • On-Page Customization: A good website builder should allow you to change SEO elements such as meta tags and URLs. It should also automate SEO tasks, such as redirects.
  • Mobile Optimization: Look for a site builder that offers responsive templates and tools to optimize your site for mobile devices.
  • Fast Loading Speeds: Website speed is an important ranking factor. Choose a builder known for its fast loading times to improve both user experience and SEO performance.
  • Analytics and Reporting: Access to detailed analytics and SEO reports help you track performance and make data-driven decisions. Look for website builders that integrate with tools like Google Analytics and Google Search Console.
  • Technical SEO-friendly: Check to see if the website builder makes it easy to set up and maintain important technical SEO elements. These include canonical tags, robots.txt files, and redirects. This can help search engines properly crawl and index your website.

Conclusion – Best SEO Website Builders

Choosing the best site builder for SEO is crucial for improving your online visibility and driving organic traffic to your site.

The seven powerful options we’ve reviewed offer a range of features that can help you to optimize your website for search engines. From customizable meta tags and mobile-friendly designs to fast loading speeds and SEO-friendly URLs, these builders provide the tools you need to succeed.

Whether you’re a small business owner, a blogger, or a digital marketer, choosing the right website builder may have a huge impact on your SEO efforts.

Explore these options, consider your specific needs, and select the builder that aligns best with your goals to achieve top search engine rankings and a thriving online presence.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Which Web Builder is Best for SEO?

Wix is at the top of our list of the best website builders for SEO. It offers extensive SEO tools, including customizable meta tags, alt text for images, SEO-friendly URLs, and a dedicated SEO Wiz to guide users through optimization processes.

Is WordPress Better for SEO Than Wix?

WordPress offers more flexibility and powerful SEO plugins, making it ideal for advanced users. However, Wix provides user-friendly SEO tools that are sufficient for most small to medium-sized websites.

Is Shopify SEO-friendly for eCommerce Websites?

Yes, Shopify provides robust SEO features tailored for e-commerce, including customizable meta tags, mobile optimization, and fast loading speeds.

Are There Free Website Builders That Are Good for SEO?

Some free website builders like Wix and Weebly offer basic SEO features, but for more advanced SEO tools, a premium plan is often necessary.