How to Disable WordPress Notifications for Backend Users

Are you looking for a way to disable WordPress notifications for backend users?

WordPress, by default, displays a few alerts on the main page of your Dashboard. You may receive notifications from them requesting you to update or activate particular plugins.

If you ignore notifications, you’ll see that the Dashboard is no longer a comfortable place to work.

In this article, we’ll show you how to disable WordPress notifications for backend users.

What are WordPress Notifications?

WordPress notifications are an essential part of the WordPress platform. They may have informed you of a WordPress update or a WordPress plugin and theme update.

However, many WordPress users are frustrated by the continuous WordPress notifications displayed by plugins. These notifications, on the other hand, may be quite helpful in giving you important information and ongoing feedback on your plugins.

This is highly relevant if multiple users have access to your blog dashboard. The success message, for example, will appear each time a new update is completed successfully. As a result, whenever new users log in, WordPress may inform them of the most recent website updates.

Disadvantages of WordPress Notifications

Despite its benefits in providing important details about changes made, the following are some drawbacks of WordPress notifications:

Use of Notifications for Marketing

Developers occasionally use WordPress notifications to market products, provide upsells, and increase sales in general. These alerts start appearing on WordPress dashboard pages and tend to disrupt users’ typical workflow.

Notices of Minor Issues

WordPress notifications can be particularly irritating since developers frequently include them where they are not required.

Continuous Notifications

Many developers use WordPress notifications when installing a plugin, but many users dislike that they can’t turn them off. Messages without a close button or warnings that reappear after being closed on every page will make for a poor user experience.

Disable WordPress Notifications for Backend Users (2 Ways)

Below are two easy ways to turn off backend notifications in WordPress.

Disable WordPress Notifications for Backend Users With Plugin

WordPress is a powerful CMS. You can add or remove functionality by installing and uninstalling plugins. There are several WordPress plugins available that can enhance the functionality of your website. The Disable Admin Notices Individually plugin can be used to disable unwanted notices in the WordPress Dashboard.

We’re all tired of seeing notices on the WordPress Dashboard’s homepage; with this plugin, you may disable notices completely and individually! This works for both plugin and WordPress notices.

Disable Admin Notices individually – WordPress plugin

Note: For this article, we will use the free version of Disable Admin Notices Individually. For more advanced features, you will need a Pro version. With Pro version:

  • Hide notice for other users but display notice for yourself.
  • Compact Panel where you will see/hide all your notes in a single click.
  • Block Ad Redirects.
  • Hide the admin bar menu.
  • Disable plugin updates nags.
  • Disable core updates nags.
  • And more.

First, install and activate the Disable Admin Notices Individually plugin. For more in detail, see our guide on how to install a plugin in WordPress.

After you’ve activated the plugin, go to Settings » Hide admin notices from your WordPress dashboard.

On the Hide admin notices page, you have four options. All notices, Only selected, Don’t hide, and Compact panel.

Disable Admin Notices individually Plugin Settings

  • By selecting All notices, you can enable or disable hidden notices in the admin bar.
  • By selecting Only selected, you can enable or disable hidden notices for all users or the current user, as well as reset hidden notices.
  • Select Don’t hide is disable the plugin. As a result, the “Hide Notification forever” option will no longer be shown in the WordPress Dashboard.
  • The compact panel is available in the pro version.

Furthermore, if you find any problems, you may create a ticket and ask the developers to help you.

Disable WordPress Admin Notices Manually

Some WordPress users choose to solve tasks on their websites manually since it saves server resources.

If you don’t want to utilize a plugin to do this, you can use custom code to disable WordPress backend notifications on your website.

Because this option needs changes to your site’s files on the server, we recommend you backup your site before proceeding. If something goes wrong, you can revert your changes.

Go and open the functions.php file and paste the following lines of code snippets in it.

add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', 'pwp_admin_theme_style');
add_action('login_enqueue_scripts', 'pwp_admin_theme_style');
function pwp_admin_theme_style() {
if (!current_user_can( 'manage_options' )) {
echo '<style>.update-nag, .updated, .error, .is-dismissible { display: none; }</style>';

This could easily disable the WordPress admin notice in the Dashboard.


In this article, we covered how to turn off WordPress notifications for backend users. In general, there are two methods you can use to get rid of WordPress notifications. You can disable them fully by installing a plugin or using simple code.

If you plan to use the code, we strongly advise you to create a full WordPress backup before making any changes to the core files. You can always restore WordPress to its original condition if something goes wrong. Check out some best WordPress backup plugins.

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