Blog vs Vlog: Which is Better for Make Money Online?

Are you a beginner confused between blog vs vlog to start making money online? If yes, you landed on the right post.

Both blogging and vlogging are the best ways to create content online and make passive income. However, like other things, both have their own merits and demerits.

So, if you are confused about which is better between blogging vs vlogging, this detailed post is just for you.

In this detailed guide, you’ll learn:

  • What blog or vlog is
  • Vlog vs blog statistics
  • Pros and cons of blogging and vlogging
  • How to make money from blogging or vlogging
  • How to start a blog or vlog

So are you ready to find out the details? Let’s get started!

Blog vs Vlog: Definitions and Differences

What is a Blog?

A blog is a type of website that publishes new content, commonly known as “blog posts,” on a regular basis.

Blog posts mainly consist of text, but they can also contain images and other types of content, such as videos and GIFs.

Bloggers can write blog posts on any topic they want. For example, some profitable blog niches include personal finance, health and fitness, parenting, etc.

To give you a better idea, here is an example of a popular content marketing blog called Copyblogger.

Copyblogger Blog

The Copyblogger regularly publishes articles on content marketing and copywriting to help people improve their content marketing results.

What is a Vlog?

A vlog, also known as a “video blog,” is a type of blog in which most of the content is in video form. This is different from a regular blog, which mostly posts written content.

Vlogs are commonly used to capture a person’s life, experiences, or ideas.

However, similar to blogging, you may “vlog” about whatever you like, such as DIY tutorials, product reviews, travel trips, and more.

Here is an example of a popular vlog:

Vegabrothers - Example of a Vlog

The Vagabrothers is a popular YouTube channel run by two friends, Alex and Marko. They are known for their high-quality vlogs, which are packed with information and tips for budget travelers. Their channel has over 1.15 million subscribers.

As you can see, a blog and a vlog have some similarities. The main difference is that bloggers share their thoughts on a topic through written words, whereas vloggers create videos of themselves talking about a subject.

Blogging vs Vlogging: Statistics

Blogging Statistics

Here are some of the interesting blogging statistics that have been taken from Orbit Media Studios.

  • WordPress is the best blogging platform in the world, and 43% of the web is built on WordPress.
  • 77% of people regularly read blogs online.
  • Every day, around 7 million blog articles are published.
  • Blog articles with 3000+ words get better results.
  • The most popular blog post format for bloggers is How-to posts, followed by Listicle (List).
  • According to 80% of bloggers, blogging drives results.
  • Google AdSense is the most common way for bloggers to monetize, followed by affiliate marketing.
  • The average blog article takes 3 hours and 51 minutes to write.
  • The average blog post length is 1427 words long.
  • Social media is the most important source of traffic.
  • 43% of bloggers use AI tools to generate ideas.
  • About half of all bloggers publish weekly or several times per month.

Vlogging Statistics

Vlogging is gaining popularity. Here are some vlogging statistics that you should be aware of if you want to enter into the vlogging world.

  • Every day, 1 billion hours of video are watched on YouTube.
  • YouTube has more than 1.9 billion active users.
  • The average vlog post gets 1,000-2,000 views.
  • Compared to plain text, video is 50 times more likely to drive organic search traffic.
  • 63% of people are more willing to buy a product after watching a video about it.
  • The average YouTube video is 10-15 minutes long.
  • More than 60% of vloggers upload at least one video per week.
  • India has the largest YouTube audience, followed by the United States and Brazil.
  • Lifestyle, beauty, gaming, and food are among the most popular vlogging niches.
  • Vlogs are particularly popular among younger audiences, with 71% of 16-24 year-olds watching vlogs regularly.

Blogging vs YouTube (Vlogging): Pros and Cons

Pros and Cons of Blogging

Blogging, like any form of digital content creation, comes with its own set of advantages and challenges. Here are some key pros and cons of blogging: Pros:

  • You can start a blog with very little money, as there are many free blogging platforms available.
  • You can blog about anything you want, and you can set your own schedule.
  • With proper SEO, you can reach a large audience with your blog.
  • Blogging can be a great way to build a community of people who are interested in the same things as you.
  • There are many ways to monetize your blog, such as through advertising, affiliate marketing, and sponsored content.
  • You can literally sell almost anything from a blog or website.
  • A blog can help you establish yourself as an authority in your industry.


  • Blogging takes time and effort. It takes time to write a good blog post, and it takes effort to promote your blog and build an audience.
  • You need to invest both time and money on various things like content, hosting, SEO, etc, to build a money-making blog in the long run.
  • With millions of blogs on the internet, standing out and capturing audience attention can be challenging.
  • There can be some technical challenges involved with blogging, such as setting up your blog and keeping it updated.

Pros and Cons of Vlogging

Vlogging, or video blogging, has gained immense popularity in recent years, offering unique opportunities and challenges for content creators. Here are some of the pros and cons associated with vlogging: Pros:

  • A platform like YouTube is completely free for creating a vlog (you just need a free Gmail account).
  • You can get views on your YouTube videos from day one if you do the proper YouTube SEO.
  • People spend a lot more time watching videos than they do reading blogs.
  • Vlogging can be a lot of fun for most people (most people prefer creating vlogs over writing blog posts).
  • YouTube vlogging has the ability to grow a massive online following (thousands of YouTube channels have gone from 0 to million subscribers in a year).
  • There are many ways to make money from vlogs, ranging from sponsorships to selling affiliate products, YouTube ads, and so on.


  • Vlogging can be very time-consuming. It takes time to film, edit, and upload your videos.
  • High-quality vlogging often requires investment in good equipment like cameras, microphones, lighting, and editing software. This can be a significant barrier if you are just starting.
  • Reliance on platforms like YouTube means that changes in algorithms can significantly impact visibility and revenue.

Vlog vs Blog: Money Making Potential

How to Make Money Blogging

One of the best things about blogging is that there are several ways to earn money. In fact, based on our own experience, blogging converts far better than vlogging (video blogging).

It might be because people who read blogs tend to take action, such as signing up for your email list, purchasing affiliate products through your links, sharing your blog post, and so on.

Furthermore, if you are using a self-hosted platform like WordPress for your blog, there are zero limitations on how you can make money.

There are lots of WordPress plugins and other tools available that you can use to extend the functionality of your WordPress blog and diversify your income.

Let’s take a few ways you can monetize a blog:

  • Display Advertising – Display ads using Google AdSense or directly sell ad space on your blog.
  • Do Affiliate Marketing – Join affiliate marketing networks and earn a commission for promoting products on your blog.
  • Sell Digital Products – Easily create and sell digital products like ebooks, audio files, PDFs, and more using the Easy Digital Downloads plugin.
  • Create Online Courses – Use a plugin like LearnDash to create and sell online courses on your blog.
  • Create Membership Subscriptions – Convert your blog into a membership site where people must pay a subscription fee to see your content.
  • Accept Donations – Accept donations from your readers directly from your site by using a free plugin like WP Simple Pay.

For more, see our article on how to make money blogging.

How to Make Money Vlogging (YouTube)

Similar to blogging, there are several ways to monetize your video content.

  • YouTube Partner Program – Once you’ve met the eligibility criteria (like a certain number of subscribers and watch hours), you can start earning money from ads displayed on your videos.
  • Sponsorships – Collaborate with brands or companies to promote their products or services within your videos.
  • Affiliate Marketing – Promote products through affiliate links in your video descriptions or on your website.
  • Fan Funding – use the YouTube Super Chat feature to allow viewers to support your vlogging efforts through voluntary donations or paid memberships.
  • Channel Memberships – Offer channel memberships through YouTube’s monetization features. Members receive exclusive perks, such as badges, emojis, ad-free viewing, or early access to videos, in exchange for a monthly membership fee.

How to Start a Blog or Vlog

Creating a Blog from Scratch

First and foremost, if you don’t have any budget or are looking to test the waters, you can also try free blogging platforms such as Blogger,, etc, to create a blog for free.

However, if you plan to launch a new blog, we highly recommend the platform. WordPress allows you to create a self-hosted blog with full control (unlike free blogging platforms).

WordPress is the #1 CMS in the world, used by over 43% of all websites. It gives you complete control over your website, allowing you to install plugins and themes and monetize your blog in any way that you want.

Furthermore, the WordPress software is free to download and use!

Note: and are not the same. Read our post on vs. to find the differences and avoid choosing the wrong platform.

Then, to publish your blog online, all you need to pay for is:

Domain Name – A domain name is your website address on the internet. This is what users type into their browsers to access your blog.

Blog Hosting – Blog hosting is the location where your website lives and all of its files are stored. This is what allows your blog to be found on the internet.

For hosting and domain, we highly recommend Bluehost. It is affordable, reliable, and one of the cheapest hosting services on the market.


Plus, it is also officially recommended by itself and offers 1-click WordPress installation.

Once you have purchased Bluehost for your blog, read our tutorial on how to start a blog for step-by-step instructions.

Starting a YouTube Vlog from Scratch

The best thing about vlogging (or video blogging) is that it is completely free.

Yes, all you need to start a vlog is to create a YouTube channel with your Gmail account.

If you don’t already have a Gmail account, you should create one. It’s completely free.

Then, follow this step-by-step tutorial on how to start a vlog on YouTube.

Step 1: To start creating your YouTube vlogging channel, simply sign in to your YouTube channel with your Gmail login credentials. Once you log in, click on your profile picture in the top right corner of the screen and then click on Settings.

YouTube Settings

Step 2: On the YouTube channel page, click on Add or manage your channel(s) and proceed to the next step.

YouTube Channel Creation

Step 3: Now click on the Create a channel to continue. You need to create a Brand Account.

Enter Name and Create YouTube Channel

It may be any name you want and does not have to be the same one you used to create your Google account.

Step 4: Next, click on the Create button, and you’re done. You have successfully created your vlog on YouTube, and you will be taken to the dashboard for your channel.

Final Thoughts on Vlog vs Blog

Blogging or vlogging – both are excellent ways to create content online and make money.

Blogging, with its rich tradition, appeals to those who have a flair for writing and a passion for sharing in-depth, nuanced content. It offers flexibility, a wide range of monetization options, and the potential for SEO-driven traffic. On the flip side, blogging demands a consistent output of high-quality written content and a strong understanding of SEO and digital marketing strategies.

Vlogging, on the other hand, caters to the growing demand for dynamic, visually engaging content. It is ideal for those comfortable in front of a camera and skilled in video editing. Vlogging can be highly lucrative, given its popularity and the vast audience on platforms like YouTube. However, it requires significant investment in equipment and a continuous supply of creative ideas and can be more time-consuming than blogging.

In deciding which is better for making money online, consider your strengths and the type of content you are passionate about. If you have a knack for storytelling through words and enjoy the process of writing, blogging could be your forte. If you are more inclined towards visual storytelling and have a charismatic on-screen presence, vlogging might be the way to go.

Regardless of your choice, success in both blogging and vlogging demands consistency, quality content, audience engagement, and a strategic approach to monetization.

We hope this article helps you decide which is better for making money online between Vlog vs Blog.

For more, check out these other helpful resources:

Lastly, follow us on Facebook and Twitter to stay updated on the latest WordPress and blogging-related articles.

Frequently Asked Questions

Should I Start a Blog or YouTube?

It depends on you. If you enjoy writing and have a knack for creating informative and engaging content, blogging might be a great fit for you. If you’re more comfortable in front of the camera and enjoy storytelling through visuals, YouTube might be a better choice.

Are Blogs Profitable in 2024?

Definitely, in fact, there are many bloggers who are making a full-time living from their blogs. However, it is important to note that it takes time, effort, and dedication to build a successful blog.

How Long Does It Typically Take to Earn Money From Blogging or Vlogging?

It might take anything from a few months to a few years to start generating money from blogging or vlogging. There are a number of factors that can affect how long it takes, such as your niche, your audience size, and your traffic levels.

How Important is SEO for Blogs and Vlogs in Generating Income?

SEO plays a crucial role in monetizing blogs and vlogs by driving organic traffic, enhancing brand awareness, and improving search visibility. By incorporating SEO best practices, you can attract a wider audience, increase engagement, and generate revenue from your online platforms.

Are There Specific Niches That Are More Lucrative in Blogging and Vlogging?

Technology and Gadgets, Personal Finance, Health and wellness, Fashion and Beauty, etc, are some blogging and vlogging niches that are lucrative due to their high demand, engagement levels, and monetization potential.