Disable Admin Email Verification In WordPress

WordPress 5.3 (Kirk) introduced a new feature to ask the administrators to confirm their email periodically when they login to the admin. The intention behind this functionality was to reduce the risk of getting locked out of the site if the email address has been changed.

While this seems to be a good way to keep the admin email updated all the time, it may not be needed for everyone.

You can copy and paste the below code in your active theme’s functions.php file to disable this feature.

// Disable Admin Email Update Reminder add_filter( 'admin_email_check_interval', '__return_false' );

Instead, if you want to update the time interval for when the system should check for the admin email confirmation, which is by default set to 6 months, you can copy and paste the following code in your active theme’s functions.php file.

// Update Admin Email Update Reminder Interval add_filter('admin_email_check_interval', (240 * MONTH_IN_SECONDS));

Instead, if you want to go the route of installing a plugin to disable the admin email verification screen, here are two options for you. You can install either plugin and get rid of the verification screen.

  1. Make Disable Admin Email Verification Prompt – By Aims Infosoft
  2. Disable Administration Email Verification Prompt – By ModularWP

That’s All, Folks